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Independent Open Publishing
"The price of ignorance is slavery"
"For whom does the radium glow? It glows for thee." -- Anon
Brazil Shames Spineless Nations over Iran
Mark Weisbrot via gan, Thursday, Mar 1 2012, 8:48am
Brazil’s foreign minister, Antonio Patriota, made a courageous and very important statement last week about the rising threat of a military attack on Iran. He asked UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to weigh in on the legality of a threatened military strike against Iran.
international /
peace/war /
other press
'Friends of Syria conference' SHAM Exposed
harry H, Thursday, Mar 1 2012, 6:08am
Need the thinking world doubt it? The West's (proxy) intervention in Syria is now thoroughly exposed and no-one is buying the 'friends of Syria' SHAM conference. Amazingly, cowardly dog China and circus bear Russia remain steadfast in their opposition to any external interference in the affairs of sovereign Syria. However, the corporate ruled west desires another failed state in Syria along Libyan lines in order to advance their strategic ambitions in the Middle East. Once unified and debt-free, Libya is now completely 'Balkanised'/fragmented into dozens of powerless and arguing tribal fiefdoms, courtesy of NATO and the US. Internal divisions and bickering between tribal factions allows for easier corruption and 'management' as various warlords seek assistance from major powers. Meanwhile parasitic western banks, with reconstruction loans, and plundering transnational oil companies are having a field day in once debt-free, unified Libya -- now see if YOU can work out the true gambit of US and NATO criminal interventions around the globe! (story and 1 image)
international /
peace/war /
other press
Assange -- Indictment Surprise
nasty, Tuesday, Feb 28 2012, 9:01pm
Hacked Stratfor emails have revealed a nasty, though not unexpected, surprise for our glamour boy anti-hero, Assange. (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Mar 2 2012, 7:50am
international /
mass media /
other press
Hackers Assist Beleaguered WikiLeaks
Cassandra Vinograd via no-one, Monday, Feb 27 2012, 10:13am
Hacker group Anonymous has delivered a trove of five million emails hacked from the analysis/intelligence firm Stratfor to WikiLeaks. Assange was in dire need of a haul like this as his site has been floundering since the Iraq/diplomatic cable release. Hopefully Assange will learn which side his bread is buttered on and give credit where it's due; not necessarily by name but by recognition of his 'anonymous' sources. (story and 1 image)
international /
mass media /
other press
Privacy shot to ribbons by Facebook spying and Smartphone apps
staff report via stele, Sunday, Feb 26 2012, 5:05am
"... some apps even allow Companies to intercept phone calls - while others, such as YouTube, are capable of remotely accessing and operating users' smartphone cameras to take photographs or videos at any time."
international /
mass media /
other press
The Broader Implications of the Bradley Manning Case
staff report via stan, Friday, Feb 24 2012, 11:03am
It should be noted at the outset that INVERTING JUSTICE and the moral right with these kangaroo proceedings against brave, homosexual whistleblower, Bradley Manning, will not 'cut-it' in ANY future historical context -- the case should actually be against the US military for civilian killing and other war crimes, which Manning exposed to the WORLD in the hope that the MORAL MAJORITY would be outraged and DEMAND action against the clearly criminally corrupt (Haditha massacre etc) US military! But alas the US population is a DEAD, paralysed, MORAL LOSS; as is, it seems, the entire FREE WORLD and that is THE major disappointment of this case. (story and 1 image)
international /
injustice/law /
other press
Lost Perspectives on Food and Eating
sal, Friday, Feb 24 2012, 5:35am
It is extremely interesting to analyse how modern eating habits are 'created' and governed by certain forces, marketing/advertising and food 'experts'. The following highly enlightening and informative video on Food consumption and 'nutrition' in the modern era is highly recommended. Free yourselves from the tyranny of false authorities on food and nutrition. (story and 1 image)
international /
health related /
other press
Bradley Manning's WikiLeaks arraignment scheduled today
staff report via gan, Thursday, Feb 23 2012, 9:36am
"If Manning had been a member of the U.S. Marine squad that admitted to systematically murdering two dozen innocent Iraqi men, women, and children in Haditha, Iraq, he'd be walking free today," Obuszewski said in a release. "Instead, he faces the real prospect of life in prison for telling the truth." -- The Baltimore Sun (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Thursday, Feb 23 2012, 10:15am
international /
injustice/law /
other press
 The CIA’s links to Wall Street
Mark Gaffney via stele, Wednesday, Feb 22 2012, 10:44pm
One of the most successful frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people is the notion that the CIA exists to provide intelligence to the president. In fact, the CIA’s intimate links to Wall Street strongly suggest that the CIA was created to serve the perceived interests of investment bankers. The well documented links to Wall Street can be traced to the founding of the agency. (story and 1 image and 1 attached file)
international /
imperialism /
other press
It's About Priorities
eve, Tuesday, Feb 21 2012, 8:51pm
War is NOT a priority, what is it good for, NOTHIN' ?
It serves minority criminal elites ONLY, at great cost to the planet and innocent human lives. It is TIME the people of the GLOBE learned that UNITY and friendly relations offer the only hope for future survival. AMERICA'S insatiable greed, permanent war doctrine and divisive ways are anathema to every living thing in this UNIVERSE -- make NO mistake, the plague on the planet that is indefinite detention, civilian killing, AMERICA must be ELIMINATED if the world hopes to live in peace, freedom and harmony.
international /
environment /
other press
Huge Turnout as Spaniards Protest Stripping of Labor Rights
staff report via gan, Monday, Feb 20 2012, 7:39am
Reminiscent of the half-million souls that turned out in LA protesting immigration laws some years back, Spaniards took to the streets across Spain in numbers that approached one million. These protests were/are designed to remind elite powers that everything was built on the backs of workers and not to take the masses for granted. (story and 1 image)
international /
social/political /
other press
Acts of Love
Chris Hedges via ryall, Monday, Feb 20 2012, 6:49am
Love, the deepest human commitment, the force that defies empirical examination and yet is the defining and most glorious element in human life, the love between two people, between children and parents, between friends, between partners, reminds us of why we have been created for our brief sojourns on the planet. Those who cannot love—and I have seen these deformed human beings in the wars and conflicts I covered—are spiritually and emotionally dead. They affirm themselves through destruction, first of others and then, finally, of themselves. Those incapable of love [have] never lived. (story and 3 images)
international /
philosophy /
other press
Debt-O-cracy -- a Visual history of Debt Slavery
sy, Saturday, Feb 18 2012, 9:26pm
Things don't just happen independent of other factors/influences. There are consequences/costs and causes to everything especially in INHERENTLY UNFAIR, INEQUITABLE MODELS that favour the few at the expense of the many. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Saturday, Feb 18 2012, 9:46pm
international /
social/political /
other press
Anonymous Protests ACTA, Takes Down FTC And Other Government Sites
Stephen C. Webster via flyn, Friday, Feb 17 2012, 7:29pm
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was feeling the wrath of unknown hackers with the “Anonymous” movement on Friday morning, after seven different government websites managed by the agency vanished from the Internet. (story and 1 image)
international /
mass media /
other press
Clinton remains irresistible..and not just to women
George Galloway via baz, Wednesday, Feb 15 2012, 9:08pm
AROUND a decade ago I had a boilerplate gag in my speeches, which went something like this: "I'm in favour of us having a special relationship with the United States, I just don't want us to have the kind that Miss Lewinsky had with President Clinton. One sided, undignified, immoral and with the junior partner always on their knees." [Are you reading this, Washington doormat Juliar Gillard AND all her custard-faced, knee-walking supporters?] (story and 1 image)
international /
social/political /
other press
Spying and Propaganda using Facebook, Twitter
Julie Lévesque via stele, Tuesday, Feb 14 2012, 8:54pm
A new study by the Mediterranean Council for Intelligence Studies’ (MCIS) 2012 Intelligence Studies Yearbook points to the use of social media as “the new cutting edge in open-source tactical intelligence collection”.'s Joseph Fitsanakis, who co-authored the study, reports: (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Thursday, Feb 16 2012, 4:43pm
international /
mass media /
other press
Greece is Burning
staff report via michael, Monday, Feb 13 2012, 10:27am
Fires raged in Athens overnight with reports that more than 40 buildings had been set ablaze in a violent response to the Greek parliament's passage of an unpopular austerity package negotiated with its European creditors - the EU, ECB, and IMF - in exchange for a tranche of new bailout funds. (story and 1 image)
international /
social/political /
other press
Tables Turn on Israel
staff report via troy, Monday, Feb 13 2012, 6:36am
It seems that people have finally woken to the fact that they are able to return like for like, or assassination for assassination! Israel's Mossad was labouring under the very arrogant misapprehension that it could murder whomsoever it liked with impunity or minimal repercussions -- NOT SO -- the World seems to have tired of certain nations summarily executing anyone they please, so to make a point, offended nations and groups are responding in kind. Puppet politicians may be next, which would make corrupt politician the most dangerous job in existence!
international /
peace/war /
other press
US Invading Syria by Proxy -- it worked in Libya!
Tony Cartalucci via stele, Sunday, Feb 12 2012, 8:34pm
Before proceeding to Tony Cartalucci's accurate description of recent events, shouldn't populations everywhere that possess a sense of morality and functioning consciences/minds take note and begin making efforts to save themselves and their respective nations/societies by at least VOTING INDEPENDENTS into high office? Major political parties throughout the world have been purchased by CRIMINAL elites, plain to see -- it is THEY who are responsible for the ALL the wars, murder and destruction since the Balkans! Surely the first option AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE is to VOTE REAL representative independents into Office. Sincere social leaders that promise to separate minority criminal cabals from their money by nationalising the banks and RESTORING LAW, ORDER and placing ALL war and financial criminals on TRIAL for their CRIMES, including members of previous ruling administrations and governments. Representatives with remedial policies such as these should be supported by everyone. Everyone must exercise their DEMOCRATIC PREROGATIVES and VOTE the current crop of CRIMINALS out of office. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Feb 12 2012, 10:11pm
international /
imperialism /
other press
Syria: Putin yelping like a chihuahua again!
David Blair via stan, Saturday, Feb 11 2012, 8:21pm
We’ve heard it all before Putin, remember Libya and the Slavic Balkans, you disgraceful, cowering dog? Yelping like a chihuahua over Syria achieves NOTHING other than a global demonstration of YOUR COWARDICE, lack of will or worse, your duplicitous criminal corruption! Why do you CONSTANTLY fail to support your ALLIES in the face of OVERT Western CRIMINAL aggression? Do you lack the COURAGE to DO SOMETHING ABOUT the SITUATION or are you merely performing, creating the impression that you oppose when you’re really PART OF THE PROBLEM, a complicit player behind the scenes? (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Saturday, Feb 11 2012, 8:50pm
international /
imperialism /
other press
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