Cleaves Alternative News

Australia’s unforgivable crime: homeless and rejected youth
by budgie Monday, Apr 7 2008, 9:29pm
national / social/political / commentary

It need not be emphasised that a society’s most precious resource is its next generation. In affluent societies disproportionate increases in youth homelessness is unforgivable and represents the most reprehensible failure of government social policy.

Rejected youths internalising abuse
Rejected youths internalising abuse

After 11 years of John Howard’s conservative, social Darwinist ideology, manifest as ‘user pays’ and a host of other ‘care less for the other’ policies, numerous welfare, medical and social support centres have closed due to lack of adequate funding – notwithstanding the funds withdrawn from universities and public education.

As a direct consequence of neo-conservative policy – infecting both major parties -- the numbers of mentally ill, socially disadvantaged adults, with nowhere else to go, have spilled onto our city streets to become a familiar sight to all. On any given day our affluent citizenry can be seen avoiding the pleas and begging gestures of these poor unfortunates.

Homeless youth, however, have traditionally represented only a tiny percentage of Australia’s homeless – until today! The latest study reveals that approximately 36,000 youths from ages 12 to 25 are now homeless – this figure is double that of the previous study held 20 years earlier! In view of the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars extracted from OUR resource rich nation by rapacious Transnationals, the deprivation of funds from essential social services is completely unacceptable!

Allowing this nation to be utilised as a convenient hole in the ground for rapacious Transnationals that refuse to return adequate amounts of their profits to the nation is scandalous but very revealing of the character (failures) of government!

Australia’s tiny population of 21 million does not constitute, by any stretch of a free marketeer’s imagination, a burden on the hundreds of billions in profits extracted from the nation annually. The slow but steady elimination of funding for essential medical, dental, educational and other essential services to the extent that it now disproportionately impacts on our youth is intolerable – some would say the current situation borders on criminal negligence.

While our youth and others suffer needlessly and the nation is left to subordinates our ‘show pony’ PM, Kevin Rudd, is prancing on the international stage achieving very little. The crises are on the home front, Kevin! The gross inequities our small population is suffering require the strong hand of leadership to rectify -- so where the fuck are ya, Kevin, you dead loss?

We’ve heard it all before, ‘families have never been better off,’ etc – very thin rhetoric when facing glaring realities! NOW IS THE TIME TO CONFRONT THE ISSUES THE PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT AVOIDED, Kevin, you pathetic little prancer?

Get back home and do your bloody job, Rudd – you tragic little pipsqueak – or face the consequences. If you imagine you are able to avoid the responsibilities of your office you would be sorely mistaken. Australia has had enough of cowardly puppet leaders kow-towing to the Corporations and the USA -- the people placed Labor in office to remedy that situation!

Fuck you, Kevin, you miserable little failure! Are you aware of the long-term social costs of alienated youth?

Subversive forces in society view alienated youth as a resource, notwithstanding the natural inclination of the alienated to criminal activity!

It is a very simple matter to reverse internalised destructive habits to EXTERNALISED destructive behaviour – with a vengeance! Capiche?

Democracy is majority rule via elected REPRESENTATION – WHO DO YOU REPRESENT, Mr. Rudd? Wouldn’t be MINORITY INTERESTS, by any chance, you despicable COWARD!

Cleaves Alternative News.