Clinton reveals sordid but TRUE American Character
by peptide Friday, May 23 2008, 10:01pm
international /
social/political /
Did we all notice how quick America, France and other western nations were to send naval “assets” to the coast off Burma to ‘assist’ in the humanitarian crisis left in the wake of a horrendously destructive, global warming induced, giant cyclone that devastated the rice bowl of Burma? Is America and other affluent, energy hungry nations rushing to compensate Burma for destabilising the earth’s climate? Not on your life!
They are there to offer hundreds of billions (latest estimates from ASEAN) in relief assistance in order to plunge the nation into a debt from which it could never recover without surrendering control of its precious oil, gas and other valuable resources as payment! That is the real issue behind the reluctance of the Junta to allow the nation to be economically enslaved via ‘humanitarian aid and assistance!’ Of course the removal/overthrow of the military Junta would be almost guaranteed after Western nations gained such huge economic influence in the nation.
It may be time for China to consolidate its interests in the region and perhaps invite Russia to assist but we leave the superpowers to argue the toss amongst themselves. We are interested in the real story behind the thin façade of ‘humanitarian assistance.’ For those who are shocked at our cynical view or callous interpretation we offer the REALITY of an ONGOING HOLOCAUST inflicted by these same Western powers in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN as PROOF of their malicious intent. If these invasive, murdering nations had genuine humanitarian concerns they would not be illegally occupying and warring in other nations causing untold misery and death – far more grievous than that inflicted by previous dictators or other regimes! Have that reality pill at the ready next time you are exposed to the thin lies and propaganda of the MASS MURDERING AMERICANS and their few criminal allies!
With the above disgusting reality of America revealed, the latest fake faux pas of Billary Clinton fits perfectly into the American national psyche.
Under huge pressure to retire from a now clearly unwinnable race for the democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, in a desperate attempt to remain in the race invoked the example of the assassination of Robert Kennedy! The entire world is aware that this was a clear message to extremist white-supremacist nutters to load their rifles and drop the 'nigger' contender – HOW LOW CAN A CLINTON GO? But is her disgusting tactic out of national character?
America pursues its aims at ANY cost to the rest of humanity, as is clearly evident today – its violent and care-less attitude deserves our thorough condemnation and contempt. We therefore join with the rest of civilised humanity in calling for the complete and total obliteration of the scourge of humankind – yes, it has come to that! ‘Good work,’ Hillary CLINTON!