Cleaves Alternative News

The Lobotomised American by Grey Greene
by quill Monday, Jun 30 2008, 12:18am
international / peace/war / commentary

Complete with exotic oriental women, opium pipes, loaded with treble-refined of course, and a cushy job as a foreign correspondent, which enables access to most political functions and dignitaries – I could be about to blow the lid, gentlemen! ‘Espionage,’ a very outmoded term these days, ‘we’ all prefer the more modern appellation of ‘analyst’ or ‘commentator’, hilarious!

With the exception of the last descriptor, Graham Greene was living my life in exactly the same region a quarter of a century earlier – and I hadn’t even read the novel at that time! Greene virtually spelled it out in 1955, the inept, moronic, Americans fucking everything they touched and the INEVITABLE VICTORY of Ho Chi Minh’s forces in Vietnam. Fast-forward 2008, Kosovo/Afghanistan/Iraq/Iran and proposed missile installations on Russia’s borders – déjà vu! And you wonder why the title, “Lobotomised American?”

Not a lot has changed regarding American ‘expertise’ or ‘competence’ since 1955; however, the degree to which the USA is able to destabilise the world and plunge it into chaos has increased, as the last eight years exemplify!

If the shoe fits wear it, Uncle! After the failure of American legal and civil institutions responsibility fell on the shoulders of the military to honour its code and safeguard the nation against INTERNAL and external threats – I refer to the criminal Bush/Cheney admin that has been exposed at every turn for its heinous deceptions that led to the first holocaust of the century.

America’s crimes against humanity are measured in millions of lives; the military, instead of safeguarding the nation has become complicit and a willing partner in the crimes of the Bush/Cheney administration – it matters not whether these crimes resulted from incompetence, the results are the same and are punishable by LAW -- the innocent dead receive cold comfort!

But what do we hear issuing from the throats of the Bush admin TODAY? THE SAME LAME LIES USED AGAINST IRAQ ARE NOW LEVELLED AT IRAN! Well, give me a break; I’m not a yank, but surely to God the American public is aware by now?

Americans are dealing with the same criminal administration? The Bush admin clearly lacks the talent to change their lies to suit the occasion. We’ve heard it all before; here’s a taste for all those good ol’ lobotomy patients who were in surgery at the time of release:

IRAN is accused of terrorism, possessing WMD, pursuing nuclear weapons, threatening Americans (with an attack from Mars etc.) However, the public seems to be wearing the BULLSHIT A SECOND TIME! If it worked in Iraq let’s use it against Iran, the people won’t notice, says Bush and his advisers!

THE SAME LYING GARBAGE – for fuck’s sake – has been dusted off and used on a very unwary public, AGAIN!

The Truth is IRAN is included in the demented PNAC agenda; do a little research and discover for yourselves that PNAC was planned and signed-off in the 90’s, before the illegal Balkan intervention and well before the Iraq invasion! Two down one to go -- IRAN! The question is will the rest of the world, now very aware of the lies and machinations of the U.S. administration, allow it?

I know they won’t, now pass me my pipe, honeysuckle!

Addendum -- PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: The USAF is launching cyber attacks FROM sites, and the to our knowledge, as of the above time - no doubt other sites are affected. These sites are known to be against rabid right-wing forces -- that should clearly identify the forces behind the cyber attacks!

Browsing these sites will invite a number of (kiddie) hacks/attacks to port 80, ICMP tunnels and other assorted hacks all designed to intrude, spy and potentially disable. We are aware the USAF has recently advertised for hackers; be aware that only 5th rate hackers would work for ANY government.

We wish to advise the United States Government and its military that these hacks/attacks are illegal in many nations. We will be setting up a number of honey-pot computer clusters designed to identify, source and record the activity of these pathetic hacks with the final view of suing the perpetrators for a range of crimes relating to federal communications, privacy, information theft and a host of other offences.

A final note; you people are pathetic, STEALTH is the first rule of hacking, you are dealing with whitehat professionals who also happen to dislike mass murderers -- got that, Uncle? See you in court but YOU will never see us!

Cleaves Alternative News.