Cleaves Alternative News

Media Tactics
by peptide Sunday, Jul 6 2008, 10:38pm
international / mass media / commentary

The most damning and potentially EXPLOSIVE news to hit Australia in decades is the revelation of planned U.S. Sarin nerve gas tests on Aussie troops in the 60’s. [The reader will note that the use of (nerve) gas ‘weapons’ was banned by international convention decades earlier!]

We are dealing with criminals, murderers and conspirators on two continents.

Since the release of news relating to the Sarin gas scandal the mass media has been attempting to background the story with ‘news’ of the Prime Minister’s Freudian reactions to child nudity. We are aware of media tricks designed to displace compromising content. Regardless of the morbidity level of sensationalist content, the Sarin expose promises to remain etched in the Australian cultural consciousness.

We are in a position to assure every Australian that the arrogant sentiments expressed by the former U.S. ambassador, relating to an earlier compromising event -- “the people will forget all this in three weeks” -- will never apply to this case.

This episode will live on in infamy until such time that all information is made available and tested in the legal arena. The U.S.-Australian ‘alliance’ will never be the same again; the nation owes a great debt of gratitude to the brave investigative reporter who accessed military records and files relating to this outrageous American plan.

Historians have now been made aware of events and will no doubt set to work recording all information for future generations.

We also note that Australian rail workers are planning to strike during the Pope's World Youth Day visit. Union officials have exhausted all their options in relation to FAIR and equitable wage adjustments prior to pursuing strike action -- the government will no longer take the Australian workforce for granted. We are also aware of an unstated contributing factor to the strike; the ABUSE of police powers in the State of NSW!

Cleaves Alternative News.