Cleaves Alternative News

A taste for the socially ‘aware’
by barra Sunday, Jul 13 2008, 12:24am
international / mass media / commentary

Today, July 13, my news aggregator revealed a world of INANITIES in the mainstream press! After glancing at the featured content, I realised we, the masses, are completely LOST. It hit home (hard) that ‘pigs, dogs’ and incompetent buffoons rule the world because they actually REPRESENT the mindless, moronic MAJORITY – therein lies the formula/seeds of our destruction! The grim fate beckoning vacuum-heads beckons us ALL – I began to wish it was all a bad dream but it was worse, it was on TV!

Rudd and Pope
Rudd and Pope

Information relating to critical issues was noticeably absent from the front pages, instead we were treated to ‘news’ of a mediocre Hollywood actress giving birth to twins – this birth contrasted with others around the world in that many babies born in disadvantaged nations are destined to die of disease and starvation only weeks after being born!

Our pathetic escapist sensibilities cannot face what we do to other HUMAN BEINGS so sharing the headlines was coverage of the Pope’s arrival in Sydney Australia; this man represents one of the most heinous criminal organisations the world has ever known YET he is HONOURED by millions of morons around the globe, who all seem unaware that the organisation he represents is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for mass murder and cultural genocide. The blood of millions of indigenous people drips off every Catholic Cross in the world.

The Catholic Church perfected cultural genocide long before the communist Chinese. Entire civilisations in South America were eradicated by the Jesuits -- who functioned as the SAS for the money-grubbing, power-loving, Catholic Church. If you really wish to support Tibet then jail the Pope!

Previous Popes supported mass murdering fascist regimes and provided escape routes through Europe for Nazi and Ustashe war criminals. Criminal fascists were provided safe haven in Latin America until a few outraged Jews kidnapped some Nazis and placed them on trial, but the majority escaped without facing justice, thanks to the Catholic clergy.

As a result of allowing criminals to lead our social and government institutions genocide has become normalised today; confirmation is provided by George W Bush remaining president of the USA though his hands drip with the blood of innocents! The Pope’s earlier visit to America was all ‘God bless America’ but not a word for the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian deaths attributed to the illegal American invasion of Iraq! The Roman Catholic Church is nothing if not historically consistent.

The mass media today urges us to pay homage to killers and perverts whenever the opportunity arises. Not long ago journalists were at the vanguard of the fight for social justice, today they are lackeys and expediters of formulated packages of information!

The secular news featured the Australian Prime Minister, Kevin ‘showpony’ Rudd, itching for a photo opportunity with the Pope. The 'Pontiff' has promised to apologise to Australians for the untold hurt, damage and suffering his paedophile priests have caused their Australian victims. However, that news seems to have been lost on Australia’s leading Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, who has been busy deflecting accusations of paedophilia and rape in the Church. Cardinal Pell has since been ‘caught out’ lying, nevertheless, conservative politicians were quick to jump to this vile hypocrite's defence, weren’t they, Mr Tony Abbott?

I look forward to the day when the world’s worst criminals are jailed not honoured, but my parakeet tells me that day may be a long time coming!

It would be pointless mentioning important issues; the entire planet (and life on earth) is facing one of the most critical periods in its history. Mass extinctions, including pollinating bees; climate CARNAGE, which promises famine and drought on a scale never before seen/imagined; social injustice/INEQUITY in the form of outrageous, obscene and UNJUSTIFIABLE concentrations of wealth in the fewest possible (incompetent) hands, etc.

Nah, we have better more important ‘news’ to report; did ya here? Paris Hilton flashed her twat again and Britney is making a comeback – now there’s something we can really use!

The following quotes are good examples of the mindless crap offered the public as news. Prior to reading this piece of journalistic swill we should remember that Australia presently faces its most critical crisis since Federation. The Murray-Darling river system -- the largest food producing irrigation system in the land – is facing total ruin and possible death. In view of this and other major crises no one gives a flying fuck whether or not the PM swears in private or not! However, what is painfully clear is that Rudd and his non-event, corporate subservient government are INCAPABLE of dealing with the CRISES that face the nation.

In an attempt to diminish the seriousness of the matter and deflect pressure from their hand-picked show pony Prime Minister, the propaganda arm (mass media) of the corporate machine that runs this country offers us this pathetic crap as news! I would hope this typically American ploy is seen for what it is. Australians are not yet as mindless and uninformed as yanks. Let the following report serve to inoculate those not already aware of the tricks of the mass media:

“A new book, co-authored by John Howard biographer and professor of politics Peter van Onselen, says Mr Rudd often swears at his staff behind closed doors and is known for his bad temper.”

The foreign minister, Stephen ‘floor-licker’ Smith, contributed with a typical comment, “I'm not going to say I've never heard Kevin swear, but in moments of frustration we all do exhibit those tendencies.”

Who in their right mind gives a fuck?

Nevertheless, perhaps we have all been educated. I have often wondered why gun crazed Americans and unhinged Aussies go on killing rampages and kill innocent civilians when they could do us all a great service and target the real enemies of the people -- politicians, senior public servants, police, religious leaders and corporate executives! Targeting the REAL criminals responsible for the worst crimes of the century would not be deemed a criminal action by the masses; in fact declaring open season on this vile scum may become the norm in the very near future. Time will tell!

One thing is certain; the critical nature of the issues confronting us all makes attempts to distract or camouflage them very difficult indeed. It appears the public may have finally become immune to spin.

The problems facing this nation are not minor, neither are they insurmountable. The first qualification for dealing with these problems is not to serve the forces that created them. No one who serves the corporate sector could adequately deal with the many issues facing the nation today. A REAL leader is required to heal this nation not a pathetic little show pony or a grovelling, floor-licking foreign minister. Surely it's about time the party REMOVED Rudd from office. It is not a matter of a hopeless political opposition, it’s a matter of SAVING THE NATION from the INCOMPETENTS, rogues, thieves and plunderers currently raping and destroying it!


Pommy pigs unable to locate Tony Blair, WAR CRIMINAL!
Pommy pigs unable to locate Tony Blair, WAR CRIMINAL!

Cleaves Alternative News.