The irrefutable lunacy and brazen HYPOCRISY of U.S. Evangelicals
by fish Wednesday, Sep 10 2008, 1:04am
international /
human rights /
Prior to addressing the principal report, updates just to hand confirm America’s tailspin from major international influence to economically and politically bankrupt, pariah nation -- it’s over! The culmination of inane policies and LAWLESS unilateral pursuits could only lead to ruin. Arrogant America NOW begs for assistance when previously, like a headstrong infant, it shunned the globe. The prevailing sentiment from the world is now, ‘you broke EVERYTHING you touched, now deal with it!’
The mature, civilised world has learnt from hundreds of years of conflict in Europe and Asia that mutual cooperation is the ONLY path to Survival – especially in these times.
Now to the ‘religious’ support base of the imbecile politicians that ruined the nation, the so-called American religious right.
I would highlight only one of many mindless, hypocritical policies and reprehensible attitudes of these vacuum-heads. The pro-life sanctity of human life!
Since Bill Clinton’s embargo, which extended to the Cheney-Bush war on Iraq, over one million innocent children have died in Iraq AS A DIRECT CONSEQUENCE OF AMERICAN POLICIES!
I have read the New Testament numerous times and Jesus’ attitude to the little children is CLEAR, he loves them ALL – universally! He also refers to their innocence as a heavenly passport! The U.S. religious right supports the forces that kill children, pure and simple. Stand condemned by your own law and God, you disgusting animals!
When faced with the support you offer KNOWN child killers and in clear view of the millions of dead children and the CONTINUING TARGETING of INNOCENT women and children by the insane, amphetamine-soaked US military, your feigned concern for unborn life reeks of double standards and hypocrisy!
I would add that if any cry could reach ‘heaven’ it would be the cries of the innocent children you have MURDERED, you reprehensible killers!
Go to hell and leave the world in PEACE!
[It's a dirty word in Washington, especially among Zionist neocons, but LOVE is indeed the answer, NOT UNNECESSARY WAR! I seem to recall LOVE as the CENTRAL TEACHING OF JESUS CHRIST!]