Cleaves Alternative News

US Congress rejects flawed bailout: think outside the 'box!'
by nano Tuesday, Sep 30 2008, 12:52am
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

To say the market was surprised by the House’s rejection of the ‘bailout’ proposal on Monday would be putting it mildly; however, BIG Finance and BIG Banking were NOT surprised one bit! Even more surprising was the fact that Republicans (GOP) were largely responsible for the rejection of the Bill! You know them, ‘God is the free market!’ One could become a cynic overnight faced with such inversions and ideological backflips; however, a careful approach and focused eye reveals much.

The rejection of the Bill cannot solely be attributed to the prospect of some House Representatives losing their seats if they are seen to openly support a hugely unpopular Bill! The people are aware that this knee-jerk ‘quick fix’ is flawed – ‘you do not offer more food to someone suffering from a compulsive eating disorder’ or as a colleague expressed it, ‘you don’t cure junkies by administering large doses of heroin!’ These are ACCURATE common sense assessments; the government has used all its ‘LIE vouchers’ so they are trying something different, give the public a taste of hell -- not forgetting that ‘hell’ would come gift wrapped by the same people who brought you the economic crisis in the first instance!

For the first time in a long time the mostly faceless powers actually look like being dragged out of their backrooms and crystal towers and adorned on road signs and other elevated locations – you have no idea how frightened these people are at the prospect! Creative thinking is called for and one should never underestimate an opponent/enemy – most of the contributors to this site have compulsive eating disorders and huge heroin habits!

The neocons are without doubt the most destructive force that has ever stolen power in the United States (we love it); however, with the exception of ‘Scooter’ Liddy, their openly criminal pursuits remain largely unpunished for the following reasons; they are MASTER crowd manipulators/controllers, spin doctors, ad men and marketing strategists! The world remains in awe of the fact that Cheney-Bush and their entire administration are not before the Hague or other criminal jurisdiction facing charges for their MANY recorded HEINOUS CRIMES – proof of manipulative genius or an extremely retarded public!

Another area where neocons dominate is social discourse. Control the dominant or primary social discourse and you control the public and the direction of EVENTS! Have you noticed the dominant discourse since the neocons ‘took’ Washington – it’s ALL war and terrorism!

There’s an almost infinite range of topics and permutations to choose from in a world suffering ecological and other crises but the public’s attention is CAPTURED (and harnessed) by WAR – neocon criminals are good at their job make no mistake! Every other discourse is relegated to obscurity by displacement.

The current primary discourse is of course WAR with the addition of the related ‘CREDIT CRISIS.’ No one is pursuing the criminals RESPONSIBLE FOR BOTH, as the discourse focuses on symptoms NOT CAUSES – how convenient (for some!)

Of course the solution is simple, remove the ‘causative factors’ and return to sound principles of representative, DEMOCRATIC government. Returning to an innovative PRODUCTION based economy as opposed to the prevailing credit/consumption, paper shuffling, robbery model would cure a multitude of economic woes. But the (guilty) masters of spin have hijacked our focus and attention!

When the public is distracted by ‘crises,’ fear the worst but do not forget whatever event is planned in the background, it would have been orchestrated by the same powers that love to keep you distracted and enslaved. Meanwhile the PROVEN criminals in government and the financial sector remain secure!

It may be time to THINK OUTSIDE THE prescribed ‘BOX!’ But if that’s too difficult just arrest Cheney-Bush and surrender them to an INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT that upholds the many laws and conventions contravened by the criminally adept neocons.

PDF Document Animal Farm -- George Orwell

Cleaves Alternative News.