Cleaves Alternative News

Internet Censorship in Oz bashed by dominant Telco
by quill Friday, Dec 5 2008, 10:04pm
national / mass media / commentary

It is becoming abundantly clear to every Australian that the Rudd Labor Government hasn’t a clue. After one year in office the PM, Kevin ‘07’ (Dud) and his pack of no-hoper ministers have demonstrated their collective inability to deal with the major issues confronting the nation; not least of which is upgrading the archaic broadband network -- known to be a liability on all users, especially the business, medical, scientific and agricultural/rural communities.

Errand boy, Conroy
Errand boy, Conroy

Rather than address the critical need to upgrade our antiquated and inadequate broadband network, geniuses in Canberra have actually developed a universally despised CENSORSHIP policy that would further DEGRADE performance! ‘Nice one,’ you mindless morons!

Should we be surprised at communications minister Conroy’s inability to provide definitive descriptions of (imprecise) filtering technologies and the negative impact these extremely ineffective methods would have on the network and Australia? We note Conroy wasted no time adding categories and sites -- unrelated to child porn -- to his 'blacklist;’ we may all wonder who actually gives Conroy his orders!

When quizzed in parliament on these (9000) additional blacklisted sites and what he means by "unwanted content," the minister failed to provide an adequate and definitive answer. Conroy also failed to answer direct questions on the number of participants required to yield statistically credible results (from trials) and whether filtering trials would be subject to independent analysis/evaluation – independent evaluation is absolutely IMPERATIVE, as it is now clear Conroy is doing the bidding of Rupert Murdoch and other Corporate minority interests that view FREEDOM OF SPEECH as a threat to THEIR traditional (media) power base!

Conroy’s evasiveness and confusion indicates he has much to hide; it is now clear he is facilitating the needs of minority interests rather than serving the DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY he was elected to REPRESENT! It should be noted, however, that both major political parties support stifling FREE SPEECH (internet censorship). The thinly disguised attempts to impose draconian censorship policies on the public using the vehicle of child porn has now been completely exposed -- Conroy’s additional and undefined, “unwanted content” category reveals the REAL purpose behind internet censorship.

However, Conroy’s RETROGRESSIVE censorship policy is not altogether surprising, especially in view of an earlier attempt by deputy Prime Minister, Julia ‘Stasi’ Gillard, to allow Corporate bosses and middle managers to spy on the private emails and other digital communications of their employees! Public outrage soon forced the deputy PM to withdraw her Stalinist surveillance policy! Nevertheless, the Australian public was given a taste of draconian things to come.

The nation’s largest Telco, Telstra, recently joined those opposing the government’s plan; Greg Winn, Telstra’s operations manager, stated that government attempts to censor the Internet are futile and drew the analogy of trying to “boil the ocean.” Take it from the experts who know, Conroy, you pathetic little errand boy!

A little research and analysis would have assisted the ill-advised Labor party in refraining from hasty, POLITICALLY SUICIDAL policies. Australians are traditionally voracious readers, having the highest per capita book consumption rate in the world. Aussies love information of all kinds and react swiftly against those that would deprive them of free access to information – be advised you Labor dunderheads!

Australia is known in the region as a location of learning and has traditionally attracted thousands of international students seeking quality university degrees and other qualifications – this ain’t banjo-playing America or Stalinist Russia, Conroy/Gillard/Rudd – wake up!

Regardless of Labor’s final decision, the people would have learned their lesson and would be inclined to withdraw their support from the major parties in favour of Independents that would REPRESENT THE MAJORITY democratic interest. We almost hope that Rudd pursues this ill-planned and advised policy; it would seal his fate as a ‘one term wonder.’

As for Murdoch and his ilk, the times HAVE CHANGED – stand aside or risk ruination or the noose!

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