Cleaves Alternative News

G20 -- Murdoch Press journos Suck and Slurp Harder
by quill Friday, Apr 3 2009, 7:09pm
international / mass media / commentary

A local Murdoch rag, The Australian, requires experienced editors it would seem; here’s a taste of the overkill that results from tightly managed, policy compliant, servile journalists – hold on to your stomachs!

Obama's witness, Oz PM, Kevin Rudd
Obama's witness, Oz PM, Kevin Rudd

We begin with the headline, “Rudd bears witness to new global order as Obama shines on debut.” [Emphasis added] Interesting portrayal inferring a subservient Oz PM (Rudd) and the unjustified glorification of a no account black lackey slave, doing the bidding of the same BIG MONEY interests that lorded over the Bush regime! There is no doubt Rudd deserves his clearly sycophantic description but Obama, “shining,” give us a break!

Nothing to merit ‘polish’ or a ‘glossy’ finish occurred at the G20, period! Obaa’ma was just another puppet politician doing the bidding of Western Money interests – the same interests that created the bloody economic mess in the first instance!

‘Consensus’ was reached regarding the need to curb the OBVIOUS wreckless behaviour of bankers and other financial operators that caused the economic catastrophe but little in the way of remedies were offered or ratified. A few (easily circumvented) salary caps for execs and even easier to bypass regulatory measures for hedge funds were offered a world extremely displeased with status quo adherents!

An astounding/laughable $1.4 trillion (for the world) stimulus package was agreed upon by the 20 largest economies; in the context of the U.S. national debt alone, $11 trillion, that figure pales into insignificance.

Another morsel of journalistic ‘flair’ couldn’t go without a citation, “While Mr Rudd is not the father of the new global order, he was in the room when it was delivered.” He was ‘in the room’ was he, so were the bloody caterers, hilarious! What do you think, Rupert? Another ‘exceptional’ effort from your stable of compliant, to scared to think outside the box, no talent, wimps masquerading as journalists!

Following hot on the period of the previous quote we have this 'Murdoch media policy statement,' “The other big highlight of the meeting was the stunning diplomatic debut of Barack Obama!” Where’s the bucket? Though the use of the theatrical term ‘debut’ was entirely appropriate! The only people ‘stunned’ are first year journalism students wondering how this idiot got a job – probably a brown nosed, custard faced, protégé of Glenn Milne.

However, the article has some value as an example of what occurs when narrow policy constraints act to repel talented staff, trainees and cadets!

Few western journos or commentators addressed the root causes of the economic failure and the FAILURE of the G20 to arrive at any effective solutions. The essential problem of Bankers applying a positive value to a negatively valued product CREDIT/DEBT, was not addressed. All the ‘solutions’ offered by the 20 puppet leaders are therefore glass beads. Time will expose the farce of the G20 summit and the utter futility of allowing central bankers to dictate economic policy. The Banker's 'remedy' is to IRRESPONSIBLY print more toilet paper money and create evermore negatively valued CREDIT/DEBT, which was the fundamental cause of the economic collapse!

The problem has been sold to the public as the cure, a typical banker's double think strategy! Not only is that an absurd 'solution', it is clearly a criminally incompetent action!

Link to entire article:

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