Cleaves Alternative News

My ally, my Terrorist – Aussies lament!
by fray Tuesday, Dec 29 2009, 7:57pm
international / injustice/law / opinion/analysis

America's HORROR decade

An American veteran recounts a story of how an Iraqi woman cursed the American invaders while they ‘implemented’ US style ‘freedom and democracy’ in her country; “you’re worse than Saddam,” she screamed, as marines brutalised her family and ejected them from their house, which was later destroyed! War crimes aside for the moment, let’s put that poor woman’s accusation to the test, shall we?

During the entire period of Saddam Hussein’s brutal dictatorship, 250 to 350 thousand Iraqis were killed and tortured by Saddam’s regime. However, America, according to reputable Johns Hopkins and Lancet based figures, is TODAY directly responsible for no less than one million innocent civilian deaths, the displacement of over four million citizens and ruining the State -- which, as anyone who can count would inform you, amounts to over three times the horror inflicted by Saddam!

The United States of America is the world’s LEADING CIVILIAN KILLING, TERRORIST NATION, fact! Furthermore, the US is in NO POSITION to justify, with MORE LIES and spin, any of its CRIMINAL wars of acquisition or occupation.

NOW, consider the punishment that was meted out to Saddam, he was humiliated and hanged like the dog he was; now reflect on the FACT that NOT ONE AMERICAN responsible for the FIRST CIVILIAN HOLOCAUST of the new century has been held to account – this constitutes CRIMINAL CORRUPTION on a scale never before seen, nonetheless, STARK REALITIES cannot be ignored -- ‘why do they hate us,’ indeed?

There’s a herd of elephants in your ‘kitchen,’ America! Continued avoidance of your LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES regarding war and other crimes against humanity only serves to ostracise you further from the international community AND, needless to say, serves to strengthen existing opposition and create NEW enemies, Australia included.

The fate of all past pariah nations is well documented in the historical record – America's choice is reduced to, FACE YOUR LEGAL AND MORAL RESPONSIBILITIES OR PERISH. You are universally reviled and no nation, regardless of how ‘powerful’ it imagines itself to be, has ever prevailed against the world. Now, I ask you, name someone that likes you – get the picture?

As previously stated, the U.S. is preparing for a strategic FIRST NUCLEAR STRIKE capability against NON-AGGRESSIVE Russia and China -- LUNACY!

Recent reports of an (offensive capability) upgrade to the Pine Gap facility begin to make sense in view of the latest news. It may be incumbent, if not imperative, for Oz to cripple Pine Gap before the INSANE, millennialist Americans attempt to usher the world to Armageddon!

Cleaves Alternative News.