Cleaves Alternative News

Corporations are Killing You!
by teale Wednesday, May 5 2010, 1:06am
international / social/political / commentary

If you ever wondered what Corporate Organisations really think (their ideological raison d'être) then wonder no more. The graph below is yet another example of the REALITY -- as opposed to the LIES, spin and advertising – of the Corporate influence/effect on ALL our lives.


It should not be forgotten (brand it into all y/our minds) that INSENTIENT Corporations kill millions of innocent people in their proxy wars – from the German Industrialists and International Bankers that backed Hitler to Oil/Energy Corporations and Wall St Finance that dictate war policy in Central Asia and other regions of the globe today!

It is clear today that ALL western ‘democratic’ governments have been completely overwhelmed by Corporate forces – THEY CONTROL EVERYTHING by ‘virtue’ of overt and covert economic warfare (blackmail) or brazen financial lobbying/CORRUPTION.

Now here’s the GROTESQUE, inhuman, major import – Corporatists kill, maim, pollute, destabilise, destroy entire nations for ONE objective only; PROFIT -- now there’s a ‘lofty, inspired, humanist’ reason for destroying the planet and our lives!

It should also be noted -- branded into conscious -- that the OBSCENE PROFITS generated by rapacious, murdering, insentient Corporations are not evenly distributed through society; over 90 percent of profits remains in the hands of less than 1 percent of the population – that’s ‘fair,’ isn’t it?

An example of Corporate warfare on democracy has made international headlines today; in opposition to a 40 percent tax to be imposed on Transnational Mining Companies raping Australia; Transnational Corporate Cartels and Financial Giants have begun a concerted campaign via the stock market to pressure the lame Aussie Prime Minister to review his new tax policy – OUTRAGEOUS!

In the past decade mining companies alone have extracted $80 BILLION of OUR nation’s WEALTH and returned only $9 BILLION to the people – personally, I would have it the other way around.

Corporate CEOs and directors should count themselves very fortunate indeed that people have not yet taken matters into their own hands – we could only imagine the fate of these greedy, heartless, polluting, mass murdering pigs, if they did!

Today, at least, we do not have to look too far to identify the once shadowy figures that have determined the course of nations for the past 50 years. The vile, avaricious, selfish, homicidal, psychopathic, individuals that inhabit the boardrooms of ‘steel and glass towers’ are known to us all – they are the arrogant Corporate CEOs and directors of all the Transnational and mega Financial/Banking Institutions of the world. If we would save ourselves and the planet, then the following rule must apply, “the only good executive is a dead executive!” [I would add that RULE applies to all puppet politicians and those that serve Corporate interests.]

Corporatists may have trouble comprehending that the overwhelming MAJORITY of PEOPLE on this PLANET have an agenda too; PEACE and a HABITABLE PLANET on which to live!

FREEDOM is a matter of choice followed by ACTION; how could less than 1 percent of the population withstand the WILL of 99 percent of the population? WAKE UP and take your lives and nations back from the filth that has hijacked them.

If the pissweak Oz leader decides to make his fight against the Transnationals a national issue, support from the people would be a given; parasitic Corporatists may have a VERY RUDE AWAKENING. AUSTRALIA may be the first nation in the world to REGAIN ITS SOVEREIGNTY.

We are ONE.

Cleaves Alternative News.