Cleaves Alternative News

Hey America!
by quin Friday, Jan 14 2011, 9:04pm
international / peace/war / commentary

Maintaining military occupations in foreign lands in the 21st century is simply UNTENABLE – didn’t you know? Experts are aware you have already lost the most important battle of your war for world supremacy – the battle for the hearts and minds of the population of the WORLD.

Even your piss-weak allies realise the liability of continued support. America has become the PARIAH of the world, detested universally with a passion and vengeance that literally makes people spit! I ask YOU, Uncle, how much longer do you hope to persist on your present course?

Without the support of the global population the end is a foregone conclusion. You are currently faced with peaceful withdrawal from occupied lands or the unsustainable COSTS of continued occupation. You will no doubt choose the later, excellent! We could always rely on you to assist in your own defeat. You will note this excellent ‘Psywar’ strategy FORCING your choice, morons!

Wars today CANNOT be won with bombs; it is a corrosive irony that the world’s ‘leading superpower’ (myth) is BLIND to the most important theatre of operations.

It matters not that you control the Hague courts, ‘paper’ money and other glaringly corrupt regulatory agencies, you have failed to secure the SUPPORT of the global population, without which, survival/success becomes impossible – don’t you now know it?

All your tricks and ruses have failed, you have nothing left to disguise the grim reality you and your nation faces. Nonetheless, we recommend more Denial, dis/misinformation, avoidance, delusion, violence and authoritarian oppression – lock the people down as tight as you can, it will hurry the INEVITABLE -- face it, you are unable to choose any other option. Your own evil intentions and mass murdering ways have LOCKED you into your present course -- a driverless train hurtles to the end of the line!

Finally, to all our highly skilled agents and supporters; continue to propel and sustain the rabid right in every State until the nation implodes. Be well pleased with a job well done, so far!

Hey, Uncle! I informed you at the outset that we would defeat you – how does it feel? You are a dead man falling.

[A special mention and profuse thanks goes to all our digital warriors – the invisible army -- for the astonishing and awesome services you have rendered to date, truly devastating. You have guaranteed the end result.]

We are many -- we are ONE -- we are the WORLD.


Cleaves Alternative News.