At What Price?
by melissa Friday, Jun 3 2011, 11:57pm
international /
injustice/law /
Do not kid yourselves, the American population knows full well what their criminal government is doing – mass murder, destabilization, social division, military expansion and illegal RESOURCE APPROPRIATION (THEFT) on a global scale. After over a decade of American overt criminal activity there is no avoiding the facts. However, the population has been PACIFIED and LED TO BELIEVE that all the criminal activity benefits the population – NOT SO!
We recall an interview conducted by high profile imbecile, David Letterman, with mad buffoon, ‘bomb, bomb, bomb’ John McCain, during which Letterman asked a pointed rhetorical question regarding America's wars, “what’s in it for us?” McCain promptly answered, “OIL!”
The subtextual inference is that it’s all for ‘OUR’ benefit, so shut the fuck up about our government’s OVERT CRIMINALITY and appreciate what America is doing for YOU! Well, let’s see what it’s REALLY doing for the fear ridden, genitally groped, freedom and liberty denied, civil rights trashed, LOCKED DOWN, FORECLOSED, UNEMPLOYED, OPPRESSED POPULATION.
First let’s eliminate the biggest LIE that Wall Street, Washington, and the Pentagon engage in mass murder, destruction and the costly occupation of other nations for ‘our’ benefit. Take a good look at WAR costs and then take a long hard look at the condition of OUR social services, schools, hospitals and failing infrastructures, etc; are we beginning to see yet?
However, the most glaring indicator that State criminal activity only benefits the few is the HUGE DISPARITY OF WEALTH DISTRIBUTION IN AMERICA. The wealth accrued by the Forbes top 400 and the (continually) collapsing living standard of average citizens should wake everybody to the REALITY that a tiny group of elite white-collar criminals are the principal beneficiaries of the extremely dangerous (retaliation and economic collapse) course the population allows America to pursue.
Need I refer to the degrading experience of genital groping at airports or the loss of privacy, or detention without charge, illegal entry on suspicion; the list goes on and on and on.
The next time a political clown or imbecile entertainer implies that the people are the beneficiaries of elitist criminal activity tell ’em to blow it out there asses! The truth is, as the FACTS clearly indicate, American State criminal activities are a LIABILITY to the nation and every freedom loving, moral citizen in America. The principles ENSHRINED in the Constitution and Bill of Rights -- “pieces of paper” according to the new ruling, criminal elites – cannot be improved upon, as it is these principles which made America great! Those who degrade or trash these principles/documents do so at the risk of revealing their criminal intent.
It is for the benefit of Wall St, Banking/Financial elites and Transnational Corporations that ALL the criminal activity and needless wars are waged – and there will be hell to pay if it continues! America will default on its national debt and the greenback will go through the floor if the Fed attempts to print its way out of trouble again; notwithstanding the constant threat or prospect of a justified retaliatory attack from war ravaged foreign nationals who have lost home, family EVERYTHING in the name of Corporate PROFITS!
The losses the American people have suffered/sustained in a little more than a decade of criminal activity far outweigh any ‘benefits.’ The entire criminal ruse becomes clear with the application of a little thought, reason and basic math. Inane media propaganda and Madison Ave ‘perception management’ techniques are neutralized with minimal application of reason and analysis.
Today the question remains, is Obama’s flagrant disregard of Congressional approval to wage his corporate oil war in Libya -- after 60 days -- an impeachable offense?
[Criminal activity is defined as any action that is contrary to or outside the LAW!]