Cleaves Alternative News

The 'Man' Launches Psywar against Hacktivists
by casey Wednesday, Jun 22 2011, 1:01am
international / mass media / commentary

nice try BUT you cannot divide and conquer an amorphous entity

Take the following linked reports with a grain of salt. It seems the 'man' is launching a psychological offensive against cyber warriors -- we all know 'he' is witless in cyberspace; however, he hopes his transparent psychological tactic of 'divide and conquer' would force hackers to fight amongst themselves, thereby neutralising a MAJOR threat against Corporatists and Banks -- THE REAL AND CONSTANT ENEMY! I would clarify the situation immediately, all genuine underground hacker groups and Uber hackers BY NATURE oppose the 'man' -- u got that, imbos?

It should not be forgotten that criminal ruling elites that have survived for centuries are not without some nous, they should never be underestimated. They will use every effective trick and weapon at their disposal, make no mistake.

As is widely known, the man cannot cut it in cyberspace so expect anything and everything in this war.

The most effective weapon against his tricks remains FOCUS; do not wince or waver, set sights firmly on the opponent and watch him reel from every co-ordinated attack launched at his systems and internal digital infrastructures.

This WAR is already won -- victory is inevitable if our unwritten codes and principles are respected.

greetings from 'teamKISS' my arse ;o)

We are Many -- We are ONE -- We ARE UNSTOPPABLE!

[Suck on that REALITY, you criminal bastards!]

See link and embedded links.

Cleaves Alternative News.