Cleaves Alternative News

Fuck Hope, Fuck Freedom, Fuck Everything!
by lynx Friday, Sep 30 2011, 2:19pm
international / social/political / article

Our rights and liberties went out the window after America declared war on a noun, thereby allowing it to tag, as enemy, anyone it wishes anytime it chooses. The latest outrage committed by the people that brought you 9/11, is another extrajudicial killing of a US citizen alleged to be an Islamic terrorist. Yet the glaring reality is that the LEADING CIVILIAN KILLING NATION is AMERICA so this act of murder is yet another criminal terrorist act committed by the world’s leading terrorist nation; that is REALITY -- that is F-A-C-T! America accusing anyone of any crime is simply ludicrous.

Murdered American conservative, al-Awlaki
Murdered American conservative, al-Awlaki

So what are WE going to DO about rectifying the situation and arresting the criminals on Wall St, the Executives in Corporate boardrooms and the Political puppets in high office? I know what I would do, but I would rather keep my options to myself for reasons of maintaining personal security/liberty, which I have never surrendered to any person, body or State.

Our crewz have hacked the chips on ID and credit cards; they have hacked all magnetic strips used for transport, door locks and a myriad of other purposes. Whatever new means the ‘man’ utilises to contain society we hack to maintain our FREEDOM, how do YOU feel now, slaves?

However, that is not the issue, we are invisible elite hackers and we do not expect YOU to match our skills or even conceive of our mobility/abilities. So what are your options?

Take stock and you will realise you have very few, in fact, you only have ONE viable effective option, and that is to form a UNITED FRONT with a single purpose – RESTORING JUSTICE to society, a most noble cause; I’m so glad you spineless dummies thought of it! But I forgot, such an action requires a modicum of courage and a little commitment, two characteristics lacking in the common herd, so it’s back to your home entertainment units to watch American Idol. As for the rest, THERE IS the possibility of SUCCESS by joining an EXISTING movement!

With the exception of the tenacious ‘Occupy’ movement, a quick scan of the protest horizon reveals little else; so it’s an easy choice. With continuing support that movement may become large enough to lay 'siege' on the Capitol and FORCE SOCIAL REFORM, it's been done before in recent history -- MLK.

Unskilled cowards find strength in numbers but be sure to remain leaderless; the ‘man’ might embark on another round of assassinations to restore his criminal control; and there’s nothing more tragic than an aborted social revolution

Cheer up, together your cowardice becomes bravery, your apathy becomes dedicated action, wow, I’m beginning to feel like a REAL human being again, baa’aaa!

Please note there is no past or future, only the continuous eternal KINETIC present, that is where ALL the action is! Those that talk of this and that 'side of history', Mr Obama (and people who should know better) have no notion of REALITY creation – history, as we all should know, is an agreed upon fable!

So you either ‘OccupyTheWhiteHouse’ or remain oppressed slaves; you will excuse me now, I have a fable to write.

Cleaves Alternative News.