Cleaves Alternative News

Oz Labor Party Begs for Mercy
by Marissa Calligeros via baz - The Canberra Times Thursday, Mar 22 2012, 10:11pm
national / social/political / other press

"And its come to this" -- Ned Kelly

Begging has never been what could be described as a successful winning strategy to gain political leadership - LOL! However, in the most appalling political turn of events seen anywhere in the world -- probably in all political history -- an Australian, female-led (no reflection on strong, capable, Aussie women of integrity whatsoever), State Labor Government has taken to begging the public for consideration and admitting DEFEAT BEFORE the elections have been held -- My God!

Reviled, toxic Gillard
Reviled, toxic Gillard

But should any Australian be surprised? The so-called 'people's party' of Australia has become the most overtly Corporate-serving, lackey to foreign powers and foreign Corporations party in Australian history!

Who could forget serving PM Gillard's gut-turning, GROVEL speech delivered to a joint sitting of the US Congress? It is clear where Labor's current disease festers -- notwithstanding PM Gillard's public backstabbing of former Murdoch lackey PM, Kevin Rudd, and the GROSS backstabbing of the Australian People with the Carbon Tax. Gillard, after lying to gain office, promptly reverted to serving her Corporate and Banker masters and IMPOSED a crucifying Carbon Tax on the Australian PEOPLE at a cost her party will remember for decades to come!

Who the fuck are you trying to kid, Oz Labor? Do you know what day it is?

Every last Labor politician needs their head read -- the problem is SIMPLE and CLEAR, any political novice can see it! If you sell-out and/or lose your political support base then who do YOU expect to vote you into office -- M-O-R-O-N-S?

Federal Labor has DESTROYED Labor nationally -- the solution is also simple, remove the problem from the Party and at least appear to reject elite servitude and THROW SUPPORT behind the PEOPLE!

The 'free enterprise," corporate serving conservative party is loving it, as party ideology clearly supports Corporate and Banking elites, they don't attempt to hide it.

The SOLUTION for Oz Labor is SIMPLE, GET RID OF R-E-V-I-L-E-D, nationally TOXIC GILLARD for Christ's sake and return to your traditional support base -- THE PEOPLE! THEY ARE WITHOUT REPRESENTATION and are SCREAMING for SUPPORT -- the right politician could clean up.

However, the Labor malaise is such that it paralyses spine and sense, so expect a thorough thrashing and DECADES in the political wilderness -- you DUMB, USELESS, COWARDLY, SERVILE, clowns -- you deserve to be slaughtered!

Mass media report follows:

'It is really pathetic': Labor's unprecedented mercy plea

She [Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh] set out on the attack. Now she's pleading for mercy.

With advertising tactics unprecedented in Australian political history, Premier Anna Bligh and the Labor Party have taken to "grovelling" in a desperate bid to soften the blow expected at tomorrow's state election.

In federal and state elections gone by, polling has denoted clear victories and losses, but never has a party taken heed with less subtlety than Queensland Labor, according to Australian National University political marketing lecturer Andrew Hughes.

Ms Bligh has conceded defeat in a television ad which first aired on Monday saying, "Polls say the LNP will have a landslide win; that means even more seats and more power than during the Bjelke-Petersen era ... No government, neither Labor or LNP, should have too much power."

She first hinted at the change in strategy in week four of the official campaign during a one-on-one interview with, in which Ms Bligh said: "I certainly know I've got a very steep uphill battle and right now the most likely result is that Labor will not win the election."

The mercy campaign culminated today with a full-page advertisement in The Courier-Mail reading, "Don't give him [Campbell Newman] too much power".

The advertisement goes so far as to highlight dire predictions that the Bligh government will be reduced to as few as 12 seats from tomorrow.

"He'll give miners free reign (sic) on Stradbroke Island," the ad says.

Attorney General Cameron Dick has also conceded Labor Party defeat in a letter delivered to Greenslopes voters stating: "It's no secret there will be a change of government. But when that happens I'm ready to take up the challenge to make sure, as always, that our community never misses out."

The latest polls have afforded a landslide win to Campbell Newman, with betting agencies putting an LNP win at shorter odds than champion racehorse Black Caviar.

Mr Hughes attributed Labor's looming disaster in part to the party's negative campaign of the early weeks of the campaign, which cast aspersions over Mr Newman's integrity regarding developments in Brisbane.

Last week, the state's Crime and Misconduct Commission cleared Mr Newman of any wrongdoing, effectively blunting the Labor attack and leaving them seeking forgiveness and leniency.

"It's unique in Australian political history. It's the first ever time I can remember ... where they have actually begged for mercy from the market place," Mr Hughes said.

"It's quite demeaning of the market. It's telling the consumer that they're foolish."

Queensland Greens convener Andrew Bartlett, the former Australian Democrats leader, said the message from Labor was not unique, but agreed it was the "most blatant" delivery of it.

As its demise in the Federal Parliament became apparent in months before the 2007 federal election, the Democrats returned to their roots by imploring constituents to vote to "keep the bastards honest".

While it may have better served Labor to borrow the Democrats' slogan in the past week, Mr Bartlett said it would not have made a significant difference.

"Labor is in a position where it perhaps doesn't matter what they do - people have stopped listening," he said.

"Maybe that's why they're not worrying about subtlety any more."

Unlike Labor in Queensland, the outgoing federal Coalition government in 2007 focused on John Howard's legacy.

"[Mr Howard] really talked about the legacy he would leave behind," Mr Hughes said.

"It was more a farewell to the market place. It was very positive. It wasn't negative at all. It wasn't about going very hard against Kevin Rudd personally."

However, Ms Bligh was not departing with similar dignity, Mr Hughes said.

"The anger from most people in Queensland has grown and grown through the campaign to the point where many are sick of the entire thing ... leaving Labor with no alternative but to apologise to the electorate in a way for their negative campaign," he said.

"It's really a last-ditch attempt to try to retain the core voters that they have now lost ... off to the LNP brand.

"When it gets to the stage where there is loss within the brand itself, the best thing to do is to meet your failings and then talk about what you will do in the future to make it better, but they haven't.

"What makes it even more pathetic is that they're not even offering anything for the future now, they're just saying, 'please don't vote for Campbell Newman'.

"It is really pathetic, it is, because that style of campaign and advertising doesn't even work.

"They have run such a concerted campaign, using a lot of resources in Ashgrove, the question now has to be, 'has that been the wrong strategy?', and I would say yes to that."

Mr Bartlett said Labor had failed to adequately highlight any of its past achievements in government.

"I do think it's important to highlight what you would bring to a new Parliament, even if you have been in government for some time," he said.

"It's a reminder to people of what they might be losing.

"But I have feeling that people have stopped listening to the Labor government."

As a result of Ms Bligh's chosen campaign tactics, Mr Hughes said any incoming Queensland Labor leader would not be able to enjoy the spoils of a long-standing legacy as federal opposition leader Tony Abbott has done courtesy of John Howard.

"It's only been five years since John Howard left and now we're looking at a Liberal leader federally who is likely to take The Lodge at the next election," he said.

"Anna Bligh won't leave behind a legacy ... where the incoming Labor leader will be able to consider taking office at the next election or even the one after that."

© 2012 Fairfax Media

[I'll try and make it as simple and clear as I can; GILLARD IS THE PROBLEM, imbeciles, Aussies aren't stupid! Now go pay millions of taxpayer dollars to external consultants to tell you the same thing!]

Cleaves Alternative News.