Cleaves Alternative News

To whom is the WORLD indebted?
by czar Saturday, Apr 21 2012, 10:36am
international / imperialism / commentary

The Absurdity of Sovereign Debt

Consider the material very carefully and resist the urge to dismiss, refute or denounce. The subheading is as accurate as anything ever written, indeed it is UNDERSTATEMENT!

It is widely known that nations are indebted to other nations that are in turn indebted to the Global Reserve Banking System, which is a privately owned network of Banks that control the world's supply of money.

Debtor nations, in exchange for (worthless) unpegged paper money, are forced to repay loans in real assets or valuable resources.

The world is asked/coerced to service loans in REAL ASSETS to this private cartel, which creates worthless paper money from thin air -- I kid you not. This is not a chapter from Alice in Wonderland its far more fantastic!

The euphemistic term "Quantitative Easing," which is temporarily sustaining a dead global economy, translated into real English, simply means that Reserve Banks print off any amount of paper money they require!

Creating money from nothing or 'thin air' and then forcing nations to exchange their REAL ASSETS and valuable RESOURCES for this worthless toilet paper is quite simply the CON of the millennium!

How or WHY global populations allow themselves to be enslaved in this way is beyond comprehension, but they do, all your financial debts originate from this fraudulent criminal CON-game run by a few elite Banking families, foremost among them, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

But I'm happy to report that this criminal rort has had its day and the game is over.

The greenback, as unpegged, FIAT global currency is not worth the paper it's printed on; its 'value' is derived from fraudulent activities and/or international subscription/support, which can be withdrawn at ANY TIME leaving holders of this dream currency counting their losses. The only currencies that are worth anything are those that are pegged to internationally accepted mediums/commodities such as gold or are backed by national governments not private banking concerns.

It remains to be seen how long the people of Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, indeed the WORLD, allow themselves to be duped and enslaved by nefarious, parasitic banking interests.

If national leaders continue to kowtow to private banking interests in any way whatsoever, including ETS or Carbon Tax schemes, they do so at their own very great risk, the people have had enough!

It is appropriate therefore that nations crippled by sovereign debt, default immediately and confer with other nations regarding establishing a new international medium of exchange; one not controlled by the nefarious private interests that own the Global Reserve Banking System.

A final note:
The only austerity measures that should be applied are to the banking families and criminal cartels that have stolen the wealth of nations. All assets and horded wealth should be seized and returned to the people or national coffers.


Cleaves Alternative News.