Oz: "we are hiring mercenaries"
by major mitchell Sunday, Jun 10 2012, 2:24am
national /
social/political /
other press
'an absolute disgrace'
In a thinly disguised effort to 'internationalise' the ADF and weaken its fiercely independent, highly skilled and dedicated, patriotic fighting forces, the treasonous Gillard government has -- on orders from Washington -- implemented a policy to dilute our fighting forces with FOREIGN mercenaries that have no allegiance to anything other than themselves and money!
To say Australia is under threat from within would be gross understatement.
The ADF hierarchy must do everything in its power to maintain the INTEGRITY of Australia's proud and patriotic Defence Forces by rejecting all attempts to pollute our ranks with unpatriotic hired guns and foreign infiltrators that have shadowy pasts and backgrounds. It is well known that Mercenaries are self-centred sociopaths that fight for all the wrong reasons.
Report from the Herald Sun follows:
Oz Government Hiring Mercenaries in an Effort to Weaken the ADF
by Aleks Devic
AUSTRALIA is boosting its ranks with foreign soldiers by offering cash bonuses of up to $200,000 and fast-tracked citizenship.
Veterans have hit out at hiring "mercenaries" from countries such as America, Germany and Singapore instead of recruiting more Australians.
Defence, meanwhile, has scrapped payments of $680 to single Aussie soldiers to fly home for Christmas.
Figures obtained by the Herald Sun show 726 international military personnel have come to Australia since 2006.
It is believed to have cost about $100 million to help them move.
The Victorian RSL says the force should be hiring Australians and training them.
War graves advocate John Saddington questioned the loyalties of foreign recruits.
"It's an absolute disgrace," he said. "We are hiring mercenaries."
Recruits are coming from America, Britain, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Italy, Singapore, Poland, Greece and Germany.
Hundreds of internationals have been lured by the promise of better pay and entitlements - 570 put their hands up to move to the Navy after the force visited Britain in December on a "fact finding" mission.
A Defence Department spokesman said: "The ADF contributes to the cost of relocating lateral recruits. The costs vary according to the family composition and size, but is typically between $150,000 to $200,000.
"Given the significant cost of training and building experience in new military recruits, this cost represents good value."
In other incentives, recruits are also having their Australian citizenship fast-tracked after just three months of service.
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