Cleaves Alternative News

The Elite Revolution
by twin Monday, Mar 12 2007, 10:58am
international / social/political / article

If a single quote could sum up the ‘ability and acumen’ of the Bush administration Rumsfeld’s classic of, “the past was not predictable when it started”, would have to be a front runner. Years from now students will read early 21st century American history with incredulity and dismay. Who could blame any high school student for thinking that historians got it wrong? How could a person with the logic of a mad hatter rise to the position of Defence Secretary in the world’s most powerful military nation; and how could the President of the day consider that person a valuable asset/adviser?


As a consequence of imbeciles, buffoons and brutes plunging the world into chaos, a quiet (very quiet) revolution has occurred. Rather than allow their skills to be abused by morons and brutes, intellectual elites have quietly taken matters into their own hands. The highly talented and skilled intellectual elites have finally tired of being slaves to criminal politicians and intellectual dwarfs. Prompted by the example of the Iraqi resistance and the obvious effectiveness of asymmetric strategies the highly disciplined elites have effectively revolted – the world will never be the same again!

Scientific elites have always existed as a community, however, due to financial constraints and other sociological factors they have been forced to serve malevolent and/or avaricious interests, but no longer. A devastatingly effective combination of skills (financial hacking etc) have resulted in the appropriation of valuable specialised equipment required to apply the minimum force (in a crucial location) for the maximum effect! Geophysical warfare has been mentioned in previous papers on this site (links below).

The mathematical and technical skills required to trigger geophysical activity in a location some distance (other side of the world in some instances) from the trigger sites (Indonesian Archipelago for example) are mind-boggling. I would not attempt to converse on a subject about which I am ignorant – but to the specialists the world now belongs!

The Cheney/Bush regime’s flagrant criminality, incompetence, violence, self-serving greed and the DISRUPTIVE effect it is having on the civilised world has provided the final impetus required for the scientific community to take the initiative for the first time in history. They have simply taken charge of their own creations, an action the uninitiated and incapable are unable to combat. It is impossible to wrest control from the people who created and developed the technology in the first instance – it is done!

The scientific community has been aware of the 9/11 fraud from the outset; combined with the overkill tactic of the (military supplied) anthrax attacks and the idiotic ‘plant’ of flight manuals – in Arabic – in a parked vehicle at Boston airport, it is a wonder the entire population didn’t revolt. But such is the nature of the herd mentality; the scientific and intellectual community, however, is not beguiled by the tactics of political unsophisticates and amateurs – nor is it impressed.

To the astonishment of all educated and informed people across the globe and in clear view of its flagrant culpability, the Bush regime has not been removed from office. In view of the inability of the American population to deal with overt criminality in State institutions – as is their prerogative as outlined in the founding principles of the nation – others have taken the matter of liberating the world from murderers and tyrants into their own hands. Unfortunately this action will result in the importation of exported wars. Perhaps the consequences of militaristic expansionism ‘served for breakfast’ in hometown USA may awaken the population from its insular stupor.

While certain geophysical forces can be harnessed as an undetectable and supremely effective weapon, the resulting activity cannot be controlled; the ensuing loss of life may exceed the death toll the USA is directly responsible for in various regions of the world.

The failure of emergency services after a relatively minor event (Katrina) revealed the Achilles heel of the US administration – the heartless ‘user pays’ model of capitalism is an obvious failure as Katrina demonstrated. The American people will be made aware of the pain and suffering caused by American interests around the world. The world’s most hypocritical nation will learn that we are our brother’s keeper and that the consequences of our actions eventually come home to roost!



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