Day Dreamer: of Butterflies and Men
by Kwang zi Friday, Jul 6 2007, 6:10pm
international /
social/political /
It is known and supported by the historical record that the masses will tolerate almost anything from their rulers providing their (adjustable) comfort levels or pain thresholds are not suddenly exceeded. Failure to address this vital fact will always result in a failed mass movement or failed social ‘management’ strategies. Recent history has noted neo-conservative strategies formulated around the above axiom. To effect social change the masses require a stimuli/event to exceed the boundary of their comfort zone. Destroying the American democracy and implementing totalitarian policies was child’s play post 9/11, anthrax attacks and the amplification of tiny criminal groups to the status of international (terrorist) threat!
Neo-colonial wars and illegal invasions were justified; plunder was sanctioned and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians paid the ultimate price with their lives, while others continue to languish in torture camps and illegal detention centres throughout the world. People who once fought world wars against those who committed such atrocities today tolerate holocausts; furthermore these same people now actively engage in the atrocities! We would all do well to realise the masses as the most stupid of dangerous beasts.
However, manipulating social thresholds to manage the masses is crude, effective and fraught with dangers. Calamitous repercussions often result from crude manipulations, the masses then turn on their rulers and rend them to shreds, another interesting historical fact.
Is the corrupt Chinese communist regime a viable model for the future – not likely, evidence of fraying power is easily detected in every aspect of Chinese society. No government or regime could resist the will of 1.6 billion people if conditions were to abruptly deteriorate? Is the USA able to withstand a world in which it is regarded as a rogue criminal nation -- everyone is aware of its criminal leadership and the (in)actions of its people? Should the American people offer the guilty for sacrifice and appease their consciences or should they take on the world – yea, bring it (nihilism) on!
Deceptive rulership is a very dangerous business, especially in times of economic collapse and massive social/environmental change. Today it is interesting to note the big players liquidating their hundreds of millions in personal assets – this they do in the vain hope that their money will maintain its value. Starving (soft) billionaires may attempt to trade gold and diamonds for potatoes and fail to convince survivalists and peasants that shiny objects are ‘valuable.’
All arbitrarily created physical and psychological boundaries may disintegrate in the near future, what then? ‘Gods’ (delusions) have never saved anyone in the past nor will they in the future. Those who understand real value and the means by which it is produced will survive. As for the rest they will fight and die like the sheep and beasts they are.
See how they run!