Cleaves Alternative News

Desperate losers deliver ‘low blow’
by finch Sunday, Jul 15 2007, 7:57pm
national / social/political / commentary

Howard government reveals true character in Haneef case. Immediately after a Queensland Magistrate rightly released terrorist suspect, Haneef, on bail – the prosecutor failed to establish any direct connection to terrorist activity -- the Howard government acting through the Minister for Immigration, Kevin Andrews, revoked his visa on (unproven) character grounds and transferred him to an immigration detention centre.

Kevin Andrews
Kevin Andrews

To state this tactic is clearly the desperate action of desperate losers would only be articulating the sentiments of all fair minded Aussies; we do not pre-judge pending legal proceedings nor do we override legitimate legal decisions – at least this was the case pre-Howard! The overt and extremely sordid spoiled-sport tactics of the government and the flagrant disregard displayed toward the Legal process demonstrates the unsavoury character of back-shooting cowardly manipulators.

These tactics unseen prior to the cowardly government of Howard are strikingly similar to those exhibited recently by Dick Cheney in the USA – Cheney feels he is above accountability and the system, he acts as he pleases regardless of the will of the people. This behaviour might be acceptable in totalitarian States; however, neither Australia nor America has reached that status yet – in spite of the best efforts of some!

When governments directly oppose institutions that define the character of a nation the problem is not with the nation or its people, it is with those who feel they are above the system and the people who have placed them in power! Safeguards have been established over time to ensure that democracies survive the forces that wish to eliminate it. It is cause for great alarm and concern to see these institutions disregarded or overridden by those intoxicated on power. Perhaps reminding these trainee despots at election time is the best remedy.

The deplorable action of Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews, is a national embarrassment as it has clearly been designed to create the most appalling bias in the legal proceedings. Dr. Haneef to date is innocent; the charges he faces are based on the most flimsy evidence. Perhaps this is the real reason the government is so desperate to paint Haneef as a criminal by whatever means it has at its disposal. This tactic is classic sewer politics a type in which Howard, Cheney and Bush excel – not one of these men today enjoys majority support from the people, and that is no coincidence.

We anticipate that Howard’s desperation will result in more sordid tactics in the future. It is now perfectly clear he is a desperate man pursuing a do or completely die strategy for the elections, unfortunately this extreme approach may result in his party being cast into the political wilderness for decades.

If not for the needless suffering that people like John Howard inflict on others, watching the drowning pathological Prime Minister clutching at straws would be entertaining. This is the man who LIED to the people in order to involve Australia in a failed war and continuing holocaust. This man and his very close associates Bush and Cheney have much to answer for!


[The latest despicable tactic of the Howard government in relation to the Dr. Haneef case leaves a bad taste in the mouths of all Aussies; it proves without doubt the absolutely un-Australian, non-representative character of John Howard and his ministers! Ed.]

Cleaves Alternative News.