Cleaves Alternative News

I read the polls today, O boy!
by peptide Sunday, Aug 12 2007, 12:11pm
national / social/political / commentary

Australians are suffering from Poll fatigue resulting from an onslaught of opinion and other polls saturating the media in the approach to the Federal election. It has become apparent to the dimmest of commentators and analysts that the polls are being utilised as a political weapon. Public opinion is the prize and the new purveyors of public opinion are the pollsters.

Maxine McKew
Maxine McKew

Polling, however, remains one of the most inaccurate and most easily manipulated means of arriving at results. Questions beg their own answers and selecting target groups without adequate controls is always problematic. Nevertheless the public in all its wisdom – collective IQ of a chipmonk – has taken the bait and has now become affected by the pollsters.

I read the polls today, O boy! According to the polls the Prime Minister is in danger of losing his seat to former TV journo, Maxine ("you’re not the only one to take the whole world on") McKew, who, THE POLLS TELL US, commands 53% of the vote! Swinging voters and minor Howard supporters of course go into panic mode and vote for the incumbent in order to stave off ‘anarchy’ and total economic collapse! Any first year psyche student will tell you how reverse psychology works in politics, and Howard’s team of advisers and consultants are proven masters of this and many other tactics designed to massage the minds of our intellectually towering chipmonk and grasshopper population.

In any race winning occurs more frequently from behind than leading all the way and Howard’s team has only just started to make its move. The ‘indicator’ is of course another poll suggesting the public is waking up to the opposition leader as having no substance or to use the terms of the poll, is ‘transparent!’ God forbid, is it actually possible that an opposition leader suffering from Liberal/conservative (penis) envy and ‘me too’ politics has been found to have no distinct identity or distinct ideological platform? A leader too afraid to define himself as distinct from his ‘opponent’ could not be suffering from a lack of character, surely!

The result of this poll on a non-entity opposition leader may actually lead to the accusation that the opposition leader is a ‘bit thin’ (transparent) in all departments and that his advisers ought to be shot for losing the election! Has it occurred to anyone in ‘opposition’ that vested interests could easily present a new independent contender (at the last minute) masquerading as a REAL 'Labour' MAN and steal thousands of votes from the “transparent,” weak as piss, Kevin ‘zero’Rudd – who deserves to lose for being such a piss-poor leader/candidate.

[I might even arrange it myself!]

I read the Krudd today, O boy!

I almost departed without commenting on Howard reminding us that he is not pleased with his participation in the illegal invasion of Iraq. Howard of course omitted to mention the 1 million innocent civilian casualties and 2 million displaced persons – a direct consequence of a criminal militaristic bungle of monumental proportions in which HE participated – do we all remember the “aluminium tubing” and other Howard LIES designed to drag a reluctant nation into a criminal war? [Notice how the pollsters avoid these issues like the plague, makes ya think, don’t it Jethro?]

However, we can thank Howard for his blunder in reminding all Australians of the weakest and most servile Prime Minister that has ever shamed a nation. A lackey who does the bidding of a foreign power without so much as a, ‘turn it up, mate! There are no excuses for war crimes or lying in order to involve us all in a criminal war and jeopardise our sons and daughters serving and travelling overseas – we were once welcomed in all Asia as friendly, helpful and fun loving, but Howard’s war crimes and racism fixed that!

Yep, Aussies face a real dilemma at the next election – the choice between Howard or Rudd proves nothing if not that democracy is DEAD in Oz. [But maybe watch for that dark horse vote stealer.] First we take the Senate than we take Beijing – vote for anybody but major party candidates at the forthcoming Federal election, but VOTE and send a clear message.

I reserve commenting on Howard’s economic mismanagement for another occasion – his credit/debt based economy is unravelling as I write – stock market CRASH, anyone? Pinocchio could run a better economy than Howard and Costello. Who do you trust for crushing debt, a non-production-based economy and for lying about numerous interest rate hikes? Who do you trust for destroying the family unit with Industrial Relations laws dictated by Moloch and Mammon?

Your choice, your nation – who do you choose to lead you nowhere or to destruction and ruination?

Cleaves Alternative News.