Cleaves Alternative News

The Distinguishing Ability
by finch Thursday, Sep 13 2007, 11:35pm
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

We have been (erroneously) taught by science that the ability to use tools defines humans as distinct from the beasts of the field – a typically conservative scientific view! However, in its arrogance science has failed to do its research, it is now known that some birds and lower primates utilise objects as tools. Confined by its self-imposed empirical prison science has failed to see the ‘nose on its human face.’ What actually distinguishes man from the beasts (and blockhead empiricists) is ART! YES, the intuitive response and the impulse to create define the human species.


Art is as old as humankind and is therefore an immensely important record of our evolution. From its magical beginnings to its commodification in modern times; the history/evolution of ART is the story of mankind.

It should not be forgotten that all ART requires decoding within the cultural context in which it was produced. Many forgotten cultures have revealed themselves today through the objects of Art they produced. If we are unable to decode ancient scripts and lost languages, the universal language of Art provides a window through which we are able to understand and appreciate a particular historical period. From Australian X-Ray depictions of animals and humans -- indicating perhaps permeability and the continuity of existence -- to depictions of hands stencilled on cave walls and rock overhangs. It seems the ancient inhabitants of the oldest continent are informing us that everything is inter-related-connected in a dynamic harmonious relationship and that the mind is free to move ANYWHERE it wishes!

Art is both the key and the gate allowing entry into realms inaccessible to the mundane (conservative) mind. Science is yet to produce a means of inter-dimensional transportation or a metaphysical trigger (psychotropic drugs excepted).

The medium is the message in every sense of the expression. Are you able to realise what the following short poem implies?

Sitting quietly
doing nothing
Spring comes
and the grass grows by itself

This short paper was intended to be a catalyst not a detailed exposition – I leave the reader to determine whether the subject is worthy of pursuit.

Never forget -- what is enemy to Art is enemy to humanity!


Male bowerbird: artistic intervention
Male bowerbird: artistic intervention

Cleaves Alternative News.