Cleaves Alternative News

Oz elections: a dead loss for the people
by barra Friday, Oct 12 2007, 12:45am
national / social/political / commentary

The incumbent, John Howard, has a new nickname, ‘dead man walking,’ while his opponent remains an insipid non-entity. It’s all but over for the lying rodent and war criminal, nevertheless, the ‘aluminium tubing’ Prime Minister is making one last-ditch effort for an impossible outcome. In a speech delivered at the Sydney Institute Howard made apologetic noises designed to tug at public sympathy – tell it to the stolen generation and the one million civilian dead of Iraq, Mr Howard! Consider yourself lucky not to have been arrested -- many Australians would prefer to see you in the dock of a war crimes tribunal answering for your crimes against humanity.

Howard asks us to forgive his patronising, antiquated, British, racist, colonial values – ‘I’m no racist, my values reflect the period and culture in which I was raised;’ Howard pleas product of environment, yet others of the same period were able to choose and reject racism and other dated colonial values!

After listening incredulously to more of Howard’s crap I decided to put his latest croc to the test. After much difficulty I managed to obtain a copy of a social studies school textbook of the period to which Howard referred -- 50’s early 60’s -- sure enough, I found Australian aborigines included in the same section as native fauna.

In a section following marsupials was the most horrid treatment of any human group I have ever seen. Australian aborigines were juxtaposed with native fauna to teach school children that aboriginals shared equal status with animals. Illustrations depicted our native inhabitants as cavemen and drove the point home by stating that they cooked their fish in “mud and clay” and wandered around the countryside naked sleeping in leaking bark huts when it rained. Not a word on the complicated dreamtime imagery or the sophisticated ritual dance, rock art imagery and petroglyphs.

Anthropologists have recorded that the aboriginal dreamtime is one of the most rigorous intellectual systems they had ever encountered, but mainstream white Australia would have none of it! Aborigines are just black animals who couldn’t be trusted with their own babies, so we stole their children from the powerless arms of their mothers. This thoroughly reprehensible act was AUSTRALIAN government racist policy -- no human kindness or consideration was given to our indigenous brothers and sisters. It was a thinly disguised act of genocide and cultural eradication -- and for this JOHN HOWARD REFUSES TO APOLOGISE on behalf of the nation!

Howard's stubborn refusal to apologise exposes his real character -- his plea is nothing more than a tissue of lies. There is nothing more despicable or pathetic than a politician whose every lying utterance is immediately exposed – so why bother bullshitting, Johnny? Is it because old habits die hard?

As adults we are expected to negotiate the society in which we live and replace, wherever possible, all destructive tendencies with enlightened attitudes. A number of Australian academics have challenged the overtly racist Immigration Minister, Kevin Andrews, to produce proof of his claims that black Africans have more difficulty adjusting to our society than others from similar war-torn backgrounds. Many of these academics are of the same generation as Howard, however, they do not share Howard’s values or antiquated views. You simply cannot cry for sympathy and understanding while you allow YOUR Immigration Minister to incite racial division against black-skinned Africans, Mr Howard. The transparent, cynical attempt to grab the racist vote fools no one, you despicable little rodent!

Basically Johnny, it’s like this, fuck off and take your emulator, Kevin Rudd, with you!

Cleaves Alternative News.