Cleaves Alternative News

“A change of rulers is the joy of fools”
by nano Saturday, Oct 20 2007, 4:29pm
national / social/political / commentary

The above Romanian proverb seems written for the current Oz elections. Both contenders have already pledged their undying servility to the USA – sovereignty anyone? Both prospective leaders share more in common with each other than with some members of their own party. Both contenders kow-tow to the corporate sector and offer no alternative to our garage sale economy. The pillage of our precious resources at bargain basement prices will continue uninterrupted regardless of who ‘leads’ the nation. Howard has surrendered the nation to the yanks and our wealth to the Transnationals and Rudd is happy with the arrangement. A gnat has more vision than either ‘man!’

Australian 'Galah'
Australian 'Galah'

For a population of parochial, xenophobic, racist non-identities, the field is a perfect reflection of the mass mind. This is Oz culture – hello world! But the world could care less for two gutless losers and a nation that resorts to racism to compensate for its cultural cringe and lack of national identity. The real world considers us a pathetic joke, an anachronism led by a man whose values reflect a mix of nineteenth and twentieth century values; a man whose head is so far up Bush’s arse that Aussies have learnt that SERVILITY is a natural national characteristic!

The challenger offers no contest, only agreement, “me too” is his campaign slogan -- and that will be his demise. Who in their right mind would choose a copy if the original is on offer? Rudd has made the biggest blunder of all recent contenders and he will ‘pay through the nose’ for it.

Education, health, the environment have all suffered under Howard’s ‘leadership.’ The Americanisation of Australia is almost complete; both contenders have already pledged to complete the ceding of the nation to America, so where’s the difference? Neither Rudd nor Howard seem to realise that America is in rapid decline. Neither man has the nerve to stand independently and lead an independent sovereign nation in its own right.

Our leaders are shrinking violets on the world stage, taken seriously by no one. Negotiating the world requires skill, courage and creativity, rare commodities in Australian politics today.

It is true, the front bench of the opposition is filled with 70% ex-union members BUT 100% of the sitting government are Corporate lackeys – take your fuckin’ pick, neither group has the best interests of the nation at heart.

Choose wisely at the next election, arsenic or cyanide – a dead loss either way!

How was Oz democracy reduced to this farce, I want to know, Mr. Murdoch?

Cleaves Alternative News.