Cleaves Alternative News

Whose Nation?
by yarra Tuesday, Nov 13 2007, 10:57am
national / social equality/unity / article

Due to the failure of successive Australian conservative and Labor governments to pursue viable technological and scientific options in the past our economy today almost exclusively relies on resource extraction. The plainest description would be a hole-in-the-ground economy – the picture says it all. There is no such thing as eco-mining; the ugly, rapacious, scaring of our land is relentless and proceeds at speed with minimal regulatory intervention. Absolutely no provision exists that encourages mining companies to return some benefits/profit to the nation and its people! The reason is simple, Transnationals and Corporations dictate policy to incumbent governments and aspiring opposition parties! Representative government no longer exists; ‘our’ major political parties clearly serve the interests of Mega-corporations and Transnationals.

RioTinto's copper mine in NSW
RioTinto's copper mine in NSW

Hundreds of billions in wealth is extracted from OUR nation by foreign Transnationals that could care less for our failing infrastructures, essential services or the WELFARE of the PEOPLE, hospitals/dental/education etc. The next time you hear the diatribes and drivel of politicians bragging they are good economic managers, just picture that hole in the ground and ask yourself whether taking orders from Corporate CEOs is economic management! The wholesale rape of the nation continues unabated while essential services and infrastructures face collapse. Make no mistake, both major parties are culpable.

To put it in proper perspective, OUR/the nation’s WEALTH belongs to every man, woman and child in Australia not to the buccaneer Transnationals. However, today over 95% of available wealth is appropriated by Transnationals while the population shares the remaining 5% -- that’s a ‘fair go,’ isn’t it? [You useless fucks deserve it all and more until you eat the dust left after the nation has been completely raped and abandoned! Take a look at the end of the ‘road,’ where do you think this current formula/course ends?]

When a politician makes reference to the “economy” ask for specifics; to which economy do they refer, to the hundred billion dollar economy of the Multi-nationals; or to the tens of millions in salaries and bonuses for corporate CEOs and business executives; or to average Australians who struggle to meet their daily needs – THREE DISTINCT ECONOMIES EXIST IN OZ!

That’s ‘democracy’ (majority rule) in action -- you mindless, moronic slaves. Let it be said, to the victors go the spoils and the rest can eat shit! A disunited rabble is in no position to challenge the elite corporate class who actually have the population convinced that a united workforce is tantamount to criminal activity – the joke is on the moronic masses!

I conclude with a little summary for the retarded among us:

DEMOCRACY IS MAJORITY RULE. Who is the majority again, I’ve forgotten? Oh! that’s right, it’s a bunch of divided, mindless, idiots that have been convinced that uniting for a ‘fair go’ and some real equity is criminal activity!

AUSTRALIAN CITIZENSHIP is bending over and allowing others to rape OUR land and resources while we vote in 'democratic' elections to maintain that process – I got that one right, didn’t I?

AUSTRALIAN POLITICIANS have deep throats, sore arses and custard on their faces but they don't have the interests of the people at heart.

Should we vote (again) or take steps to ensure that we cannot be taken for granted?

The question remains; how to transform a puddle of diarrhoea into a formidable body of citizens? Answer ….. It requires a modicum of character and courage – yep, it’s a dead loss!

Cleaves Alternative News.