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Semantic Subterfuge and Semiotic Terrorism
by nano Monday, May 16 2005, 9:23pm
international / social/political / feature

This paper is an attempt to distinguish between the background (passive) and the foreground (active) in the social dynamic and the (foreground) passive and (background) active in the textual/cultural dynamic. If layers of meaning develop as a consequence of a chance semantic juxtaposition – be assured they are unintended or accidental. However, the writer would intentionally introduce a discursive contrivance, the textual 'dis-incorporator' or the "semiotic terrorist" – those who are able to reverse the prevailing method of reading/writing.

An associate recently linked an article (above) for analysis – the content is a long-winded expose’ of the present US administration or rather, the ‘machine’ that manufactures and sustains US presidents. The days of leaders and followers are over in the traditional sense. Great leaders of the past, Ramases III, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Napoleon to name a few, commanded directly and were extremely capable people as is evidenced by the impression left on various cultures today. Contrast past leaders with US presidents of today! We see morons and degenerates cast as ‘leaders’ – those who do what they are told; the present president (Bush) is incapable of distinguishing between the real and fabricated; social, intellectual and behavioural retardation are the principal requirements for US presidents today.
Puppets serve to distract/attract public attention in order for the real ruling elites to remain active in the background and to extend their tenure in positions of influence as long as possible. All leaders with a public face are expendable. The ‘American Way’ is perpetuated regardless of leadership or party political ‘differences’. “There is nothing new under the sun..” [I have a talking budgie next to my desk. Needless to say its timing is impeccable; this is the only phrase it knows, but I could have just as easily taught it to say, “the axis of evil” or “wanted dead or alive”, such is the brain capacity of the worlds smallest parrot, but I digress.]

For general purposes the linked article is an accurate analysis; in that sense it is extremely disarming and deleterious to those who would tend to agree with the analysis. The un-articulated discourse is (passive) defeatist, apathetic, deterministic and inevitable – these (subliminal) messages are carried by the convincing (active) analysis – the story/analysis clearly transmits a ‘knowledge’ of the processes behind US rulership and the means utilised to gain and maintain ascendancy. These forces however, are characterised as powers beyond the reader’s control when in fact the power always rests with the reader – the reader will incorporate or dis-incorporate according to a current disposition.

The power of the US president is dependent on those who accept a reading to that effect. This is the desired reading of the mythmakers – the processes deployed are identical to methods utilised by advertising agencies. If current trends persist, my pet budgie could soon qualify for candidacy to the presidency of the USA for two reasons, its ability to repeat phrases and the public’s passivity in the face of the most deceitful administration in US history. I would ask you, do you buy everything that is advertised? Obviously not, therein lies the refutation of the ‘given’ and the affirmation of the reader as producer (creator) of meaning, the locus of discrimination and initiator of action.

The above is a minor example of textual/cultural reversal and dis-incorporation. Major examples would include Galileo’s refutation of the (theologically dictated) geocentric universe which was presented as ‘reality’ for centuries – I would add that the heliocentric solar system was known to the ancient Egyptian and Greek astronomers/mathematicians; this universal model is not to be confused with the Ptolemaic astrological view, which was geocentric.

Regardless of the genre or type of text, it is the reader who delivers meaning – it is your prerogative and power.

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