Cleaves Alternative News

Australian Banks practise Financial Coercion via Penalties and Fees
by krill Thursday, Feb 7 2008, 11:06am
national / social/political / commentary

In an environment of deregulated, free market capitalism you can’t scream laissez-faire and implement constraining, draconian financial policies on the public, which is exactly what deregulated Australian Banks and other local Financial Institutions are doing!

Deregulated Australian Banks have become so spoilt, indolent, lazy and slothful they resort to parasitic fee structures and penalties to gain easy income and compensate for their lack of trading skills – it certainly beats working for a living!

It may be time for governments to rub the noses of the banks into their own incompetence, need we mention the cotton-candy, bank induced, FAILED credit economy or the success of REGULATED economies in Asia? Perhaps it’s time that banks again learnt to work for a living like the rest of us; for banks that is financial trading in a very competitive “laissez-faire” market. It’s a hard life and no one, especially the parasitic banks, deserves an easy ride on the backs of Mr and Ms average Australian.

The outstanding successes of regulated economies seem to have been overlooked by our government leaders – I hesitate to use the term our ‘representatives’ for obvious reasons. Both the Queensland Treasurer and Prime Minister seem oblivious to the successes of Asian REGULATED (hint) economies, which may explain the inaction on regulatory policies?

The banks would certainly lift their game under threat of regulation! In other words perform and build on trading skill not parasitic penalty and fee structures or be forced to perform by regulatory pressures – a simple strategy that even Queensland politicians should understand!

But of course we know why our ‘highly competent brave and visionary’ politicians are paralysed with fear – they are inept dunces that have no idea how to GOVERN a nation! That is why they are placed in power by BIG FINANCE and other vested corporate interests. Why else do we cling so tenaciously to the FAILED economic model of laissez-faire capitalism? Neither major political party in Australia has any solutions, as both take orders from Big Business, isn’t that right Mr Allan ‘$100m’ Moss?

Faced with increasing inflationary pressures the government has been directed (ordered) to apply pressure on PUBLIC SECTOR fiscal policy when reality dictates/demands that pressure be applied to the PRIVATE SECTOR – you do not bandage your arm if the bleeding wound is on your leg, Kevin! Show some decisive leadership you bereft, no-talent, timid little turd!

Regulate and apply policies that distribute wealth throughout the entire economy/nation/community – it is economic suicide for nations to concentrate wealth in the fewest possible hands!

The people placed you in office as THEIR representative, Kevin. If your are unable to fulfil your obligation to the people and GOVERN effectively then bloody-well resign, you petty, little bureaucrat!

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Cleaves Alternative News.