Cleaves Alternative News

Apology of a Nation
by peptide Tuesday, Feb 12 2008, 7:30am
national / social/political / commentary

The long overdue admission of wrongs perpetrated against Australia’s indigenous people was finally acknowledged today in the form of a national apology delivered to the Aboriginal people by the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd. The RACIST, criminal and socially sick conservative ideology that resulted in thousands of Aboriginal children being forcibly removed from their mothers’ arms has been clearly condemned today by a national act of contrition. History notes the glaring absence of the former conservative, RACIST, Prime Minister, John Howard, from today's ceremony! Let it be a very cold day in hell before Australians entertain the poisonous, conservative ideology again!

Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd

Australians and the people of the world must maintain their vigilance against the evil forces of conservatism, which are responsible for ALL the major holocausts of human history. Conservatism whether of the 'black, red' or theological variety, is responsible for the deaths AND TORTURE of hundreds of millions of human beings.

Conservative ideology is easily identified as exclusivist, divisionist and violent – from the foundation of conservatism all manner of racist injustices and heinous crimes are committed. In this regard we note the former Australian conservative PM is also a war criminal, his participation in the Iraq holocaust is now history. We suggest that it would be timely indeed to hold this despicable man accountable for his obvious crimes. DO NOT STOP SHORT for the sake of political expediency Mr Rudd, show your mettle or be dismissed as a poseur or ‘might have been!’

The people of the world are no longer deceived; every failing of our leaders is shouted from the rooftops. Do not fear just act in good conscience!

We are ONE

Cleaves Alternative News.