Cleaves Alternative News

Serbs vent anger before getting down to ‘business’
by dragan Wednesday, Feb 20 2008, 11:19pm
international / peace/war / commentary

The indomitable will of Serbia is rousing. Thousands of Serbs are converging on Belgrade and other capitals around the globe to demonstrate against the illegal secession of Kosovo, the heartland of the Serbian nation. In a show of national solidarity, UNITY OF WILL AND PURPOSE, Serbs are informing the world that KOSOVO IS SERBIA! Secessionists, invaders and occupiers beware, a UNIFIED people defy your feeble declarations and assaults on their sovereignty.

Young Serbian girls rally to the call
Young Serbian girls rally to the call

EU and NATO forces claim they have the “situation under control” – in their dreams – Serbs are scattered across the globe and many thousands of Serbs dwell in the capitals of nations that support the illegal secession – perhaps it is those Serbs to which NATO refers, what a laugh!

The genii is out of the bottle and promises to wreak havoc and destruction around the globe; exactly what is it that NATO and the U.S. imagine they have ‘under control,’ we would all like to have a good laugh?

The Bush regime has done nothing right during its entire tenure in office but perhaps its biggest folly is about to unfold; Serbs are neither Arabs nor Afghan tribalists, they are a sophisticated, unified European nation with modern skills and resources at their disposal – what fool or demented idiot would UNNECESSARILY make enemies of a modern European nation?

The west has very little to gain and much to lose by attacking Serbian sovereignty, a fact that will become apparent to all. America has very foolishly provoked the Serbian people into a war that Serbs have no choice but to fight. A war that Serbia has fought time and again during its thousand-year history; a war that it is perfectly equipped to wage!

It should never be forgotten that western nations are in breach of International Law by supporting a criminal, terrorist organisation (KLA) in its bid to illegally appropriate territories.

A new phase has begun one that promises to surprise us all!


'Only unity saves the Serbs'
'Only unity saves the Serbs'

Thousands of Serbs protest in Belgrade
Thousands of Serbs protest in Belgrade

Cleaves Alternative News.