Political distraction: Pope’s visit an excuse!
by barra Tuesday, Jul 1 2008, 11:37pm
national /
social/political /
This story is laden with layers of meaning and secondary discourses. Regrettably, space constraints limit us (not you) to only a few aspects of analysis. In view of publishing constraints and in an effort to info cram, we may at times appear to veer tangentially; however, astute readers should have no difficulty making thematic and other meaningful connections!
The failing (politician) NSW State Premier, Morris Iemma -- of Italian émigré blackshirt background – has seized upon an opportunity, so he imagines, to distract the public away from his inability to govern the State. His ministers’ antics create scandalous headlines almost daily, “you can all get fucked,” and fuck that ‘Iguana,’ too – Costa and Della Bosca! Well might we say the behaviour and outbursts of Iemma’s ministers are ‘OFFENSIVE’ and ‘ANNOYING’ to the people!
Nevertheless, in a very transparent bid to distract the public ‘il duce’ has passed the most absurd emergency laws in the State’s history. It will now be an offence to wear and ‘offending’ T-shirt or to ‘annoy’ those attending the Pope’s World Youth Day ‘celebration of paedophilia in the Catholic Church’ – it’s amazing what the people and REAL LAW consider to be offensive Mr Duce!
Besieged and desperate, our own little ‘il duce’ Iemma has unilaterally introduced emergency laws in relation to the Pope’s forthcoming visit, which are clearly designed to attract headlines and push news of his thoroughly incompetent and scandalous government onto the back pages – in that regard he has been successful. Major criminal issues facing ministers and Iemma’s incompetence have now been relegated to the second page of the papers.
However, the ABC and other mass media bit like proverbial white pointers, as Iemma's smug, self-satisfied smile betrayed in a recent TV interview. The ABC’s AM report describes duce’s tricks thus:
“Draconian, repugnant and unnecessary -- just a few of the criticisms of special regulations coming into force for the Catholic World Youth Day event.We suspect Iemma got the idea from a recent arrest in Kevin Rudd’s parochial State of QLD; a youth was arrested for wearing a 'Jesus is a CUNT,' T-shirt, which also carried an image of a semi-naked nun masturbating. Religion is a wonderful thing, is it not, especially when faced with less than good-humoured or culturally aware police?
Civil libertarians and legal experts say the regulations could see someone deemed to be wearing an offensive t-shirt for instance arrested and given a hefty fine.”
Minister Costa, "... get fucked!"
res-erected Christ -- historical etching