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Take a good PATHETIC look at yourself, Australia
by yarra Monday, Jul 6 2009, 12:08am
national / social/political / commentary

The cowering, CRINGING, cultural imprint that identifies Australia/ns today probably found its genesis in the brow-beaten, downtrodden, ‘subjected’ Anglo convicts forced onto this off-shore continental jail in the very dim past. The ‘free’ administrative officials required to govern and regulate the oppressed convicts and early settlement found solace in their very British identities -- the ruling elite of the time were constantly at pains to identify with the distant Imperial Crown!


This so-called ‘free’ regulatory, official, minority had also been incarcerated in this open jail -- a fact ignored by numerous historians! No leaps of plausibility are required to realise that the ‘free’ Anglo inhabitants lived in constant fear of convict rebellion, native uprisings and the haunting, danger – as it would have appeared to early European settlers – of this extremely harsh and strange land!

If we combine the two groups to form a composite profile, the peculiar cultural cringe and fearful, subservient Australian disposition is no longer a mystery. However, to be fair, I should mention another POPULIST minority group that emerged in the early PENAL colony; the oppressed ‘IMMIGRANT,’ a species that found expression in the person of ‘Ned Kelly’ and the group behind the Eureka Stockade!

Fortunately for this nation that extreme minority group is alive, well, and continues to fight like hell to this day! However, the majority continue to carry the ingrained subservient cringe and with it, the associated need for a paternalistic overlord.

Former Prime Minister John Howard’s SHAMELESS COWARDICE and SERVILITY to the US, replicates early British official’s neck-bending to the Empire, and of course the SUBJECTION of the ‘inferior’ class of convicts needs no elaboration – welcome to the composite inferiority of Oz, world! I would add at this time that Australia’s shameless servility to the US and the cowardice it displays in the region is EVIDENT to ALL NATIONS; WE ARE AN INTERNATIONAL LAUGHING-STOCK – and the joke is deservedly on us!

Allow me to elaborate a little for the disbelievers and deniers.

After the horrid experiences and oppression of our penal colony past, Britain, during the 1950’s, wished to test THEIR atomic weapons, so of course POISON cringing Australia, they have been trained to grovel and acquiesce! The result is radioactive Maralinga and numerous poisoned Australian troops and Aborigines – but how many pommies give a shit?

Then of course we had the infamous American led wars in Indo-China, which resulted in over 4 million innocent dead civilians, shame on servile Australia for blindly following its new paternal, CRIMINAL, overlord, America – an ally that would test Vx and Sarin nerve gas on our troops without their knowledge! Jellyfish have more backbone and camaraderie than Australians!

There’s plenty more but I begin to tire of pouring scorn on such a pathetic mob, so I shall refer only to the latest, most damning examples; Howard’s despicable SERVILITY to the Bush regime, which we did nothing about, and his replacement, gutless Kevin Rudd, who CONTINUES on the same cowardly, grovelling, course set by Howard, the most shameless, servile, chicken-shit, politician that EVER LIVED!

No Australian leader has ever DEMANDED JUSTICE in relation to the cold-blooded, CIA SANCTIONED, murder of the ‘BALIBO FIVE’ – the NSW Coroner has after a thorough investigation/inquest (search site) named those responsible for the murders – so what are we waiting for, Australia? To develop a SPINE, perhaps! You UNSPEAKABLE, LOATHSOME, CRINGING, SHITS!

‘Caving’ to the yanks on the substandard Super Hornet deal is another example of the infamous cringe. I would go ballistic mentioning our continued presence in occupied Afghanistan, so I will refrain and mention only the latest RED-RAW example of that good ol’ Aussie, COWARDLY CRINGE.

Remember the container ship that recklessly and irresponsibly (proven) spewed oil all over our pristine shores and reefs? Well now the Company responsible has informed the Premier of QLD, Anna Bligh to take a flying jump, THEY ARE NOT PAYING FOR THE CLEANUP! How’s dem apples, Oz?

What’s the bet Bligh and the great Aussie jellyfish spirit ‘triumphs’ in infamy yet again?

From Reuters:

Australia says Swire backs off from full oil spill payment

SYDNEY, July 5 (Reuters) - Australia on Sunday accused shipping firm Swire Shipping Ltd of trying to renege on a promise to cover the cost of an oil spill around pristine tourist beaches earlier this year.

The spill from the ship Pacific Adventurer in March spread 270 tonnes of fuel oil onto beaches to the north of Brisbane, in Queensland State’s picturesque Sunshine Coast.

A massive cleanup was mounted involving 2,500 people, which enabled the beaches to reopen within nine weeks.

At the time, Swire Shipping said it would pay for the damage, but Queensland's state government, backed by the federal government in Canberra, has accused it of trying to use a legal loophole to avoid full payment.

Swire Shipping said in a statement it had asked to meet the state and federal governments to come a "mutually acceptable solution", and denied it had committed to paying the full cost.

According to a statement from Queensland state Premier Anna Bligh, international maritime conventions refer to a cap on cleanup payments of $17 million, but the state estimates the total cost of the clean up at around A$34 million.

Bligh said in the statement that Swire Shipping last week wrote to her government suggesting it would not pay the full bill. The company said it would "have regard to the limitation of liability available to them at law", Bligh's statement said.

Swire said on Sunday its insurer had already provided financial security for up to A$20 million.

"From the beginning, the company has always promised to meet its full responsibilities under Australian law for the accident clean-up," the statement said.

"The company has not stated it would cover all costs," Swire said, adding all costs were still not known and there was a limit to the amount of claims Swire and its insurers could accept.

Federal infrastructure minister Anthony Albanese said there was a precedent in Australia for a shipowner meeting costs in excess of legal liability, referring to a 1995 spillage involving a ship chartered by resources giant BHP.

He said the government expected Swire to pay the full cost, pointing out its own website ( said environmental concern was an integral part of its business philosophy.

Bligh has said the state is considering legal action against the company.
(Editing by Valerie Lee).
© 2009 Thomson Reuters

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