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Journalism: a matter of integrity and character
by quill Friday, Jan 8 2010, 7:23pm
international / mass media / commentary

Should WE be surprised that today’s mainstream journos have sold out to nefarious minority interests when most professions, which have traditionally served the public interest, sold out long ago? Should we commend journos for holding out so long before they too sold out or should we condemn them completely?

We are all faced with survival needs in our respective culture that is not the issue, at issue is the INTEGRITY of a profession that once guarded DEMOCRACY – journos were once the guard dogs of democracy, today they are the lapdogs of plutocrats and oligarchs!

Mainstream journalists are no better than cultural whores providing paid-for services to the highest bidder – integrity is no longer an issue! The very foundations of western democracy are under attack and are in danger of failing due to the loss of professional integrity in a profession that traditionally ‘kept the bastards honest!’

If the public is not ACCURATELY and COMPREHENSIVELY informed, WE can all kiss democracy goodbye, as has clearly occurred in the USA.

Fortunately, the U.S. disease has not terminally infected other western democracies (yet) though most are at a crossroads. The same forces responsible for destroying American democracy are hard at work subverting democratic freedoms and liberties world wide, especially in Australia where minority interests are attempting, via the Rudd puppet government, to IMPOSE draconian MANDATORY information CENSORSHIP -- against the wishes of over 95% of the population, I would add!

The Australian people require no assistance refusing AND CONDEMNING all forms of CENSORSHIP, however, issues are rarely so clean cut, the public continue to rely on journos to do their job so that INFORMED DECISIONS can be made!

It becomes immediately apparent why minority interests loath the free flow of information – all nefarious and heinous activities would be made plain and would earn immediate and universal condemnation. So, in order for nefarious interests to survive and ‘prosper,’ managed/selective ‘news’ has become the order of the day, journalistic integrity has fallen by the wayside.

The entire world is aware that Bush, Blair, Howard and a host of others, are war criminals but have they been pursued by the mainstream press? The howls of protest and cries for justice emanate from the Independent media only; mainstream media seems pathologically averse to pursuing the most heinous war criminals alive today. Furthermore, mainstream media refuses to focus and help eliminate the murderous policies those men implemented, the indiscriminate killing of civilians CONTINUES TO THIS DAY primarily because WE failed to CONDEMN and curtail those activities in the past!

The mainstream press in not overflowing with demands for justice or supporting human rights or railing against those that flout international law and the Geneva Convention, instead it pursues the agenda of minority interests.

The western world’s press is currently obsessing with the ‘underpants bomber’ to the exclusion of comprehensive, analytical coverage – many questions surround this convenient EXCUSE to INTERVENE in YEMEN -- how quick the mass media was to point the accusative finger at YEMEN and how slow to cover the REAL (security) events leading up to the FAILED ATTEMPT!

‘President’ Obaa’ma is desperately attempting to sell the idea that a host of intelligence agencies failed to prevent the attack! However, the more PLAUSIBLE explanation is America facilitated and managed the failed attack in order to convince a very war weary, RELUCTANT public to accept yet another war, this time in Africa -- not a surprise for some, are we too quick to forget the AMERICAN agenda of PERMANENT WAR?

Everything is going according to plan – pity it’s so bloody obvious!

Once again responsibility for accurate, comprehensive and balanced coverage has fallen on the shoulders of the Independent Media; a group currently under attack from the mass media and puppet governments. However, it requires more than fifth rate politicians and media moguls are able to achieve to effectively silence the FREE voice of the people!

I would add I am a textual analyst not a journalist; those in my area of expertise are easily able to determine that the so-called ‘underpants bomb’ plot was a stage-managed event – too fuckin’ easy!

Have a nice focused day.

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