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by lynx Tuesday, Jul 13 2010, 8:10pm
international / prose/poetry / news report

(for you)

your reticence is unwarranted;
a promise,
i would only kiss u on the lips
and caress your form
with my fingertips.

only man
naught to fear
by woman true,
one with depth
and yearning (soul)
such as you.

u see what u’ve done?
i haven’t rhymed in years;

in Love we Always overcome
we stand Victorious
of the inculcated loathing
of love, joy
and harmony.

what sheer insanity they preach,
they would try to normalise
murder, mayhem, War
and fear
they have no answer for ..
[in] LOVE we overcome All their
toxic filth.

A gift to all
a resource free
most powerful

audio Boom Boom - ACDC, John Lee Hooker
audio I just wanna make love to you - Muddy Waters

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