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Unrepresentative Oz Labor Party On the Nose
by dasha Sunday, Apr 17 2011, 12:19pm
national / social/political / commentary

Figures released today by Fairfax media indicate that Gillard’s dysfunctional Labor government would suffer a huge defeat if an election were called today. I shan't bore you with statistical figures; however, I would outline some pertinent facts.


Leader, Julia Gillard, is suffering HUGE political disconnect, she simply is unable to connect, let alone inspire, the Oz public. She has been exposed by former PM Kevin Rudd as having the integrity of a 20cent whore on policy. One minute she rejects an Emissions Trading Scheme, next breath she attempts to force one onto the Oz public in the form of a huge corporate designed, Carbon tax!

She is widely perceived as a Corporate, Washington lackey; her sickeningly servile speech to the US Congress will go down in infamy as the world’s greatest suck/grovel by any national leader.

She unquestionably deferred to US demands to build five full scale military bases on Oz soil, which would result in the nation becoming a PRIMARY nuclear target in the event of a conflict with Asia -- the stupid bitch actually stated SHE was “enthusiastic” to support US demands and make Australia a primary nuclear target! Gillard had not been given a mandate to expose Oz in this way; however, policy devoid Gillard knows only how to suck when given the order.

Current Defence Minister and former FM in the Rudd government, Stephen ‘kneepads’ Smith, has been engaged in a public brawl with defence force brass, which has opened a can of legal worms, as alleged victims of abuse line up to litigate against the ADF – here we have a Minister effectively trashing his ministry portfolio for personal ego reasons. Apparently Smith always disliked the moniker ‘kneepads,’ given him by former military personnel. So now its personal revenge time for little ‘kneepads’ Smith, and to hell with the consequences!

The WikiLeaks exposure of factional Labor heavyweight Mark Arbib, as a CIA groomed lackey has not helped Labor’s cause one iota. Memories of CIA intervention in deposing former PM, Gough Whitlam, continue to haunt the corridors of government.

Should I also mention Gillard’s ongoing feud with her former boss, Kevin ‘show pony’ Rudd, who clearly will never get over the backstabbing and sacking he suffered at her hands?

The conservative opposition party cannot take any credit for Labor’s poor poll performance as ‘credit’ for the poor showing goes to ego bruised and self-involved Labor politicians, which Gillard has no idea how to manage.

In every sense Labor deserves the inevitable crushing defeat it will suffer at the REAL polls some time in the future – what a pathetic, self-destructive, leaderless, UNREPRESENTATIVE rabble the Party has become!

Report from the SMH follows:

That cry in the wilderness is coming from Labor
by Phillip Coorey

TODAY will be one of those character forming days for the government.

The welfare sector, unions, industry and manufacturing all variously crying foul over the carbon tax and another poll showing the government still as popular as cold sores.

Greg Combet's announcement last week that compensation for the carbon tax would be so generous that some people would actually be better off has done nothing to lift support for a price on carbon. If anything, opposition has hardened.

Even the government's admirable drive to balance the budget by 2012-13 is not lighting up the world.

The poll shows 61 per cent think it an important objective ''but it can wait a couple of years''.

And despite his treachery on Q&A two weeks ago, Kevin Rudd, himself as popular as cold sores this time last year, is now preferred by 55 per cent of voters as prime minister, compared with 38 per cent for Julia Gillard.

On the other side of the fence, Malcolm Turnbull is streets ahead of Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott as preferred Coalition leader.

Turnbull is vastly more popular among Labor and Green voters than Coalition voters. In a three-horse race against Hockey and Abbott, Turnbull has the support of 54 per cent of Labor voters.

In a two-horse race against each other, Gillard and Rudd have 49 per cent of the Labor vote apiece. Labor voters want Turnbull, something which will be handy for Turnbull should the Coalition find itself battling to win the soft Labor vote as the next election nears.

At the moment, however, Abbott would win in a canter based on these figures.

The great hope in Labor was that after the voters took their baseball bats to the Keneally government at the NSW election, the hostility towards federal Labor would ease. Instead, voters still have their bats in hand and are keen for another swing.

In NSW the poll shows primary support for the Coalition at 51 per cent and 27 per cent for Labor, results almost identical to the state election. That's called brand damage.

Labor sages have warned since the last federal election that turning the polls around will be a long haul and they will remain this miserable for the ALP until at least next year.

The danger in the interim is that the damage will become irreversible because people will stop listening.

© 2011 Fairfax Media

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