Cleaves Alternative News

Crashing Satellite Hacked
by Kismo Saturday, Sep 24 2011, 5:04am
international / miscellaneous / commentary

"The failure of ROSAT was controversially blamed on Russian computer hackers. Although it was never conclusively proven, experts claimed it was consistent with similar cyber-attacks."


This satellite is not the first and it surely won't be the last victim of PERSISTENT cyber warfare.

I take this opportunity to remove some misconceptions about the impending (and inevitable) nuclear attack on the USA and Western Europe.

Forget the media bullshit of Islamists carrying suitcase bombs and other Hollywood crap principally designed to manage American morons.

Hackers and other specialists are aware the attack will occur from a security breach and a subsequent launch, the perfect INVISIBLE guerrilla attack of the digital age -- expect it!

Targets would range from Rome, London, New York, Washington, Moscow and Beijing, selected on the day; however, any attack would be calculated for maximum effect and response.

Next year's solar storms offer the most opportune time for a breach. Specialised attack systems have already been constructed to withstand major magnetic and electrical disturbances -- we got the parts from Radio Shack! But seriously, you'd be surprised what is available from industry and superceded military hardware, the rest is a matter of skill and if the crewz won't say it I will, GENIUS!

Those who may be offended by the idea of such a horrific calculated attack please refer to the civilian death toll inflicted by American Corporate wars on innocent men, women and children throughout the world.

There comes a time when those responsible for all the crimes and needless deaths require a taste of what they have inflicted on others. Only the cataclysmic VIOLENCE of a nuclear explosion is able to offer kind for kind.

A shock of this magnitude may indeed wake the apathetic world into the nightmare REALITY their leaders have inflicted on others.

We have had enough US/NATO 'humanitarian' bombing interventions, thank you.

NATO and US 'humanitarian' interventions around the world have slaughtered millions of INNOCENT, men, women and CHILDREN. The only thing the perpetrators seemed to have learned from these inhumane HOLOCAUSTS is that they got away with the most heinous, inhumane crime of the 21st century -- primarily due to the apathy of the masses.

So I hope you understand why all your protestations and arguments fall on deaf ears; YOU have failed yourselves, your societies and humankind and the sooner you are obliterated the better for everything.

O, and don't forget to have a nice uncaring, insular, self-centred day. Dying is 'all about me', too, you vile, disgusting, creatures.

Cleaves Alternative News.