Cleaves Alternative News

Only You
by ryall Wednesday, Dec 7 2011, 9:51am
international / prose/poetry / literature

only you
offered a saving hand
while kin and others
gloated like ghouls
and vampires
over my slow demise --
feeding on my misfortune

hauled me from the mire
while others urged you to
abandon a ‘lost cause’,
a ‘hopeless case’

turned my morbid introspection/focus
outward and
fixed my gaze on the stars
prepping my mind for the splendour
of Infinity

taught me
to abandon the discords of death
and embrace the harmonies of life

you did this for me
without the slightest
selfish motive or expectation

it was your selfless,
benevolent actions
that transformed my being
and brought me back to myself

be pleased in the knowledge
that your selfless work
blossomed into a devastating
force that drives malevolent elites
to distraction.

to think how close to death
i was before you found me;
muse over the thought
that today the life you saved
is targeted, hunted
though they have little chance
of success thanks to the survival
mechanism you planted in my being

eternal gratitude
and heartfelt thanks
to you,
a kind Samaritan
reviled by tribal Jews
and Romans alike.

Cleaves Alternative News.