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Imagine That!
by sandy Friday, Apr 6 2012, 11:42pm
international / miscellaneous / literature

Imagine a once free nation that has implemented indefinite detention without trial or charge on its citizens or that has legalised murder/assassination of anyone it chooses on executive order only; a nation that has legalised torture and routinely corrupts the law, exonerating its mass murdering commercial criminal elites but prosecuting others for misdemeanours.

Imagine a nation that has displaced its humanitarian principles and belief system with a permanent war ideology to serve the interests of a few profiteers. Imagine that and more and you have the United States of criminal America, the world's leading civilian killing terrorist nation -- a nation that would CORRUPT the entire WORLD if we ALLOW IT.

Overturn elite criminal rule by installing REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS to OFFICE on every electoral opportunity in every election -- make that the OVERWHELMING response to criminal corruption, mass murder, war, military rule and white-collar crime and you would have restored your lives and given your children a chance in the future.

VOTE the scum out of office -- DEMOCRACY is NOT a race between to OWNED PARTIES, it is a process by which the MAJORITY of PEOPLE install THEIR representatives into office -- the two party system is CORRUPT, as a bought Congress and puppet president Obama clearly indicate!

YOUR nation, your choice! The criminals that have hijacked it number less than .1 of 1% and they DREAD the THOUGHT of an aware and FREE population.

The Federal Reserve debt-chains that bind you are made of WORTHLESS PAPER; you would remember that the slaves of Rome required IRON chains to bind them!


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The Fable of the Century
by Robert Reich via stele - ICH Friday, Apr 6 2012, 11:48pm

Imagine a country in which the very richest people get all the economic gains. They eventually accumulate so much of the nation’s total income and wealth that the middle class no longer has the purchasing power to keep the economy going full speed. Most of the middle class’s wages keep falling and their major asset – their home – keeps shrinking in value.

Imagine that the richest people in this country use some of their vast wealth to routinely bribe politicians. They get the politicians to cut their taxes so low there’s no money to finance important public investments that the middle class depends on – such as schools and roads, or safety nets such as health care for the elderly and poor.

Imagine further that among the richest of these rich are financiers. These financiers have so much power over the rest of the economy they get average taxpayers to bail them out when their bets in the casino called the stock market go bad. They have so much power they even shred regulations intended to limit their power.

These financiers have so much power they force businesses to lay off millions of workers and to reduce the wages and benefits of millions of others, in order to maximize profits and raise share prices – all of which make the financiers even richer, because they own so many of shares of stock and run the casino.

Now, imagine that among the richest of these financiers are people called private-equity managers who buy up companies in order to squeeze even more money out of them by loading them up with debt and firing even more of their employees, and then selling the companies for a fat profit.

Although these private-equity managers don’t even risk their own money – they round up investors to buy the target companies – they nonetheless pocket 20 percent of those fat profits.

And because of a loophole in the tax laws, which they created with their political bribes, these private equity managers are allowed to treat their whopping earnings as capital gains, taxed at only 15 percent – even though they themselves made no investment and didn’t risk a dime.

Finally, imagine there is a presidential election. One party, called the Republican Party, nominates as its candidate a private-equity manager who has raked in more than $20 million a year and paid only 13.9 percent in taxes – a lower tax rate than many in the middle class.

Yes, I know it sounds far-fetched. But bear with me because the fable gets even wilder. Imagine this candidate and his party come up with a plan to cut the taxes of the rich even more – so millionaires save another $150,000 a year. And their plan cuts everything else the middle class and the poor depend on – Medicare, Medicaid, education, job-training, food stamps, Pell grants, child nutrition, even law enforcement.

What happens next?

There are two endings to this fable. You have to decide which it’s to be.

In one ending the private-equity manager candidate gets all his friends and everyone in the Wall Street casino and everyone in every executive suite of big corporations to contribute the largest wad of campaign money ever assembled – beyond your imagination.

The candidate uses the money to run continuous advertisements telling the same big lies over and over, such as “don’t tax the wealthy because they create the jobs” and “don’t tax corporations or they’ll go abroad” and “government is your enemy” and “the other party wants to turn America into a socialist state.”

And because big lies told repeatedly start sounding like the truth, the citizens of the country begin to believe them, and they elect the private equity manager president. Then he and his friends turn the country into a plutocracy (which it was starting to become anyway).

But there’s another ending. In this one, the candidacy of the private equity manager (and all the money he and his friends use to try to sell their lies) has the opposite effect. It awakens the citizens of the country to what is happening to their economy and their democracy. It ignites a movement among the citizens to take it all back.

The citizens repudiate the private equity manager and everything he stands for, and the party that nominated him. And they begin to recreate an economy that works for everyone and a democracy that’s responsive to everyone.

Just a fable, of course. But the ending is up to YOU!

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