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Oz Greens Leader 'Retires'
by trev Thursday, Apr 12 2012, 11:18pm
international / social/political / commentary

Australian Greens leader, Bob 'poop pusher' Brown, who helped saddle the Australian people with a crucifying Carbon Tax for Wall Street Bankers, has suddenly retired from active political life. Brown, an infamous homosexual (a la Obama) and nefarious ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT supporter, is on record for (pathologically) mentioning his mother during parliamentary debates, for Christ's sake! Brown has either been pushed or has jumped ship. He and fellow Washington lackey Labor leader Juliar 'five US bases' Gillard, have become the focus of national loathing for serving foreign interests rather than the Australian people. The writing was on the wall!

Bob Brown
Bob Brown

Brown has been replaced by Christine Milne, who displays some promise but we shall see.

We hope Brown is now able to spend more time with his homosexual partner, Paul, who also received numerous mentions during parliamentary debates, for fuck's sake, where was this nation going?

In order to allay any misconceptions readers may have at this stage regarding my attacks on Brown, I would state plainly I am not a homophobe, I have worked with numerous male and female homosexuals that survived their parents and were NOT pathological social casualties; I would also refer to Alexander the Great a known warrior homosexual of a type that clearly survived his mother and did NOT sell out his nation!

In conclusion I would very ungraciously say, GOOD FUCKIN' RIDDANCE -- sovereign Australia does not need the likes of new world order scum subverting the nation and disadvantaging our people with banker designed ETS/Carbon taxes.

We are now left with the other half of the Washington/Wall St servile duo, Juliar Gillard; though her political fate is a foregone conclusion we could perhaps hurry the inevitable along.

Return this nation to DEMOCRATIC rule, boycott major parties and VOTE REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS into office; RESTORE MAJORITY representative rule! All minority serving pathological personalities and TREASONOUS servile lackeys to foreign interests must be purged from Parliament FOREVER!

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