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Wake-up Call
by peptide Sunday, Nov 12 2006, 7:51pm
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

If after comparing actual events with posturing and rhetoric you conclude that Western governments serve minority corporate interests rather than the interests of the people, you would have discovered the lie that is democracy. You may also be surprised to discover that the majority of people who live in so-called democratic societies are actually compliant slaves! Governments that are SUBJECT to the rule of minority Corporate elites could hardly be expected to serve the interests of the majority if their masters specialise in inequity, disparity and the concentration of wealth in the fewest possibly hands. The appropriate response to any politician who states they are serving the interests of democracy, liberty or the people should therefore be, LIAR – unless of course you belong to the category of mindless slaves referred to above!

It becomes plain that regimes that wage war on the basis of spreading ‘democracy and liberty’ are CRIMINAL regimes. When deliberate lies result in hundreds of thousands of deaths, lying becomes an overt indicator of criminal activity.

In whose interests do we die and who benefits from the horror and bloodshed if democracy and liberty are obvious lies? Please forgive my faltering memory and firefly attention span; the only interests served are the minority Corporate interests in whose name the lies were perpetrated in the first instance!

It follows that if the invasion of Iraq is illegal then the perpetrators are criminals! Furthermore, the illegal invasion of Iraq today stands as the most heinous crime of the 21st century. To further illustrate the point that governments serve criminal corporate elites we offer as evidence the resounding defeat of G. W. Bush in the U.S. mid-term elections. In view of the existing evidence exposing the criminal invasion of Iraq, not a single soul in the Democrat opposition party DEMANDED the ARREST of Bush for WAR CRIMES. Today, opposition parties in western ‘democracies’ are a ruse; all major parties in the west are subject to the same Corporate interests.

The last occasion the people’s voice successfully asserted its rights was in the 60’s. Populations around the globe said NO to an illegal war (Vietnam) and prevailed. That event, which changed the course of history, was the wake-up call for the elites; how dare the common people interfere with the aims of capitalist militarism and expansionism. NEVER AGAIN would the powers be ‘inconvenienced’ by democracy or the people!

Strategies to harness and enslave the masses were conceived and implemented, the most crucial of these was/is the strategy developed by the world’s largest financial institutions – PERPETUAL DEBT! This tactic would be applied to nations AND local populations. Nations rich in resources would be ‘developed’ (euphemism for exploited) with huge loans offered by exactly those forces desiring to exploit! The mathematical formula of loans, interest rates and returns spells financial enslavement – debt is designed to increase in direct proportion to the amount of resources exploited! [What is wrong with this equation?]

Exploited nations endure the most horrendous financial pressures while Transnational Corporate parasites grow fat on the lifeblood of others – it is no accident that Paul Wolfowitz (of PNAC and Iraq invasion ‘fame’) is the serving President of the World Bank! [Is a picture forming yet?]

The removal of the legitimate Prime Minister of Timor Leste, Mari Alkatiri, was largely due to the fact that he refused World Bank loans or ECONOMIC SLAVERY for his oil rich nation. The involvement of the puppet government of Australia in the removal of Alkatiri was expected; the FACT that the Australian Prime Minister’s official Internet connection is shared with the Macquarie Bank/Group reveals more than simple (monitored) browsing would indicate!

On the domestic level, local populations are subjected to increased costs while downward pressures are applied to real wages/incomes. The result is Banks (via loans) own ‘everything’ while the majority of people become financially ‘indentured servants’ and by consequence, a socially compliant labour force/resource. Welcome to the new ‘feudalism’, an old formula resurrected by the GOD of FINANCE. Perpetual debt is an extremely effective method of ensuring compliance over an otherwise unruly population. Interesting to note was the intentional affronting introduction of parasitic bank fees – if populations tolerated this overt form of theft and exploitation then it would be safe to assume they would tolerate perpetual debt strategies, the rest is the history of modern slavery!

However, the huge disparity in levels of wealth today, and the refusal of the Corporate sector to adequately re-distribute wealth into the community has resulted in financial congestion in the corporate sector – money must ‘flow’ in order for its (abstract) value to remain intact. The corporate sector has never seen such huge profits and never has the population benefited less.

As concentrations of available funds/wealth increase in an already bloated sector, the very real prospect of an economic implosion occurring is beginning to concern those in whose interests it is to maintain the value inherent in the economy. Put simply the sector is facing the very real prospect of drowning in funds. Increased financial congestion results in trading slow-downs, the effects of which ramify throughout the entire economy. The abstract absolute value of total funds in any given economy decreases in proportion to the reduction of the ‘speed’ (Moore’s Law) at which the economy has been functioning. A complete economic collapse is a very real possibility in these circumstances. [The lazy emergency response to torpid economies is War!]

Forfeiting one’s life for criminal elites or inept managers is becoming less appealing with each enlightening day. [John Kerry’s gaffe that U.S. military personnel serving in the illegal Iraq war are mentally deficient is absolutely correct.]

The first step on the road to recovery is acknowledging the reality that the coalition of willing criminals, Bush, Blair and Howard are mass murderers who must be held accountable for their crimes – there is no avoiding this responsibility if we are to survive in a sane and tolerable world.


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