Cleaves Alternative News

Frantic Lunge from Drowning Conservative
by nano Sunday, Apr 22 2007, 3:46pm
national / social/political / commentary

Howard’s latest glib contribution, ‘Australia Rising’, delivered at the Queensland Media Club today, is yet another attempt to claw back into favour and steal attention away from the Murdoch endorsed future Prime Minister, Kevin (I can suck harder than you) Rudd. Howard’s spin-doctors have been working overtime to no avail it would seem. Following the ridiculous and desperate attempts to steal the agenda with infantile attacks on US presidential candidates, the HIV positive and most recently Howard's very revealing and ‘removed’ call for divine intervention regarding the water crisis, the “Australia Rising” speech will no doubt be greeted by the public with all the disdain it deserves!


Howard has all but shouted his incompetence and inadequacies from the rooftops! John Howard has openly demonstrated that he is unable to GOVERN in crisis situations – the $13/kilo banana fiasco has alerted the local population in much the same way as Katrina exposed bereft Bush in the USA. For those unaware of the inadequacies of free market-worshipping conservative politicians we cite their non-interventionist ideology when INTERVENTION, especially during crisis, is clearly required. Failure to manage in disaster situations exposes the inadequacies of laissez-faire (let someone else do it) politics. In circumstances where minimal profits are available no one will do the job except the GOVERNment the people elected to manage in good AND BAD TIMES!

Public confidence once lost is almost impossible to regain – so it’s downhill for Howard (and Bush). However, Howard, who has the survival instincts of a ‘rodent’, will struggle to the last breath. The prudent course is obvious, step aside to avoid a costly thrashing. The dilemma for conservatives is no one is willing to compromise their future careers and take the fall for Howard. So it may just be Howard leading his party to the slaughter and political wilderness at the next Federal election.

Howard’s ‘God’ is free-enterprise capitalism; he mistakenly imagines that profit driven capitalism cures all. However, as is clearly evident with the water, banana and Katrina fiascos no positive intervention from the corporate sector was forthcoming; the job was left to the (non-interventionist) government. Not surprisingly non-interventionist governments were unable to adequately perform, as interventionism is antithetical to their philosophy and experience. The public therefore faces ‘good times only' governments with conservatives.

Today, the world faces the destructive consequences of laissez-faire capitalism, pollution-inducing global warming, famines, droughts, mega-storms, mass extinctions etc – PLANETARY DISASTER in other words. Conservatives characteristically avoid direct responsibility and always seek to demonise, accuse and shift responsibility onto a convenient target; however, it is conservatism that is the principal cause of our present woes. The world now faces few survival options, the scope has narrowed dramatically; mutually cooperative, socially oriented governments able to GOVERN IN THEIR OWN RIGHT supported by the people (as opposed to destructive Corporations) would obviously be the most VIABLE future governments.

There is no avoiding the fact that the pursuit of profit is killing the planet; society must face that reality or perish in denial, cliches, slogans and rhetoric.

No capable leaders willing to make the hard and brave decisions for a tenable, non-profit driven society appear anywhere in the world – little wonder as the entire world is in the grip of DESTRUCTIVE TRANSNATIONALS. The people are faced perhaps for the first time in our recorded history with total involvement and mutual support or being led to annihilation by brazen LIARS and MURDERERS.

A sense of moral conviction issuing not from the dictatorial or didactic but from conscience would guide us all given a chance. Millions of years (infinity actually) are not mocked, each and every human being knows from birth the right course to take – the issue is not ideological, philosophical or theological – it is one of COURAGE or COWARDICE. Intrinsic to the genus of human is the ability to instinctively appreciate forces of harmony and destruction. The latest tragic offering from the worlds most COWARDLY ‘leader’, John Howard, is simply more of the same slogans, tricks and rhetoric BUT the real tragedy of Howard is his inability to release himself from the economic forces leading the entire world to destruction.

Today’s reality has proven that economic rationalism is killing the planet yet weak politicians cling to antiquated and destructive systems unable or too frightened to let go! Howard’s latest frantic attempt at appealing to the population is typical of the vacuous 'solutions' offered by all conservatives worldwide.

The opposition leader, Kevin Rudd, has offered no viable real alternative, in fact he has openly embraced the same destructive forces as Howard.

Oz future
Oz future

Cleaves Alternative News.