Cleaves Alternative News

The Cynical politics of John Howard
by major mitchell Wednesday, Jun 20 2007, 10:31pm
national / social/political / commentary

This week witnessed John Howard’s cynical politics plumb new depths.

It is no secret that the larger percentage of income responsible for the economic boom Australia is experiencing issues from the resource/mining sector; and it is also no secret that the greatest impediment to open slather corporate exploitation of the land are the rights exercised by indigenous communities over their land.


For those unfamiliar with the character of the Australian prime minister, he is the leader who presided over the political exploitation, misfortune, abuse, torture and abandonment of David Hicks in Guantanamo Bay; he also permitted local authorities to effect the arrests of Australian youth by foreigners who continue to practice the death penalty for the respective offences, but those despicable acts do not reflect Howard at his ‘best!‘

Howard’s major political contribution to humanity is his complicity in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians – INCLUDING THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN – in Iraq! The evil little imp now expects Australians to believe that he has developed a humanitarian conscience and that curtailing the rights of indigenous people is not motivated by the pleas of mining companies to remove all impediments to their operations (rape of the land).

Try and do better next time, Mr Howard! We are all familiar with the frustrated requests/demands of the mining companies regarding interference to their operations by land rights and sacred site claims.

Utilising the emotive child abuse excuse to disempower indigenous communities may have been believable except for the children of Iraq. Are Iraqi children less human or of less worth than indigenous children, Mr. Howard? Where is your bleeding heart and conscience regarding the children YOU are directly responsible for abusing in Iraq?

After eleven heartless years of leadership are the Australian people expected to believe that you (suddenly) sincerely care? Leopards do not change their spots and neither do cynical, pathologically lying politicians!

We refer you to dictionary definitions of three relevant words, transparent, farce and charade!

You are just too familiar Mr Howard; however, the option to demonstrate your humanity and sincerity is available, it would begin with your surrender to a war crimes tribunal for your very undisguised war crimes against the children of Iraq.

This week also saw the opposition leader, Kevin Rudd, placed on the ‘back foot’ regarding another indiscretion from a union official -- these matters should rightly be referred to the ACTU not Rudd. The leader of the opposition would also do well to remember that THE FIRST RULE IN POLITICS IS NEVER GO ON THE BACK FOOT (DEFENSIVE)!

The very lame parochial boy from QLD allows Howard to demonise the unions and stain the Labor Party by association. But Rudd fails to refer to the staggering and monumental disparity in salaries of the top 2% of corporate directors against the bottom 10% of Oz workers – a totally unjustifiable disparity.

Two can play the smear by association game, Kev. But of course Kevin is unable to attack and capitalise on the popular winning strategy of targeting corporate greed and social inequity. He is hamstrung by his fear of the corporate sector – Rudd forgets that it is the people who carry 99% of the vote!

Timid, parochial cowards deserve to lose against an easily defeatable Howard! Keating was absolutely correct in his assessment of today’s Labor Party as an organisation of ‘beautiful’ losers.



Cleaves Alternative News.