The Empire of Clowns ...
by Arthur Silber via reed Tuesday, Jun 26 2007, 12:03pm
international /
social/political /
other press
Continues on Its Murderous, Genocidal Path
At this moment in the monstrously bloody course of American Empire, I suppose I might take the sardonically grateful point of view. At least we now have some direct experience of how easy it was for nauseatingly corrupt Roman leaders to impose their will upon the ignorant hordes, and literally to get away with murder. Hell, who needed to "get away" with murder? Bloody, painful, lingering, ungraspably sadistic murder was one of the major entertainments.
Torture Bay -- star-spangled Nazis
And so it is with us, for the majority of Americans are now both stupid and cruel. Comfort yourselves with fantasies about "good Americans" who "mean well" if you wish; the facts provide you scant support. The criminal slaughter in Iraq goes on from day to day...look, Paris Hilton is being dragged off to jail! Again! It becomes clearer with every day that passes that metastasizing mayhem in the Middle East is not an unfortunate by-product of a plan gone awry: it was the goal from the start. It provides the perfect excuse for a significant American military presence for decades to come -- which was also the plan from the beginning.
A number of Americans may be decent people individually; in the aggregate, they are entirely ignorant of history, both their own and everyone else's. The elites who rule us are no better. The governing class insists that, from its inception, the United States was granted a special dispensation from God, or Nature, or some mysterious, never to be understood combination of galactic forces: we have been endowed with the "Truth" and the One True Way. It is our mission to share this Truth with the rest of the world. When some of the "lesser peoples" unaccountably resist recognizing the Truth which belongs to us and to us alone...well, that's why God gave us the greatest military the world has ever seen. If resistance by these "others" proves especially nettlesome...well, that's why nukes were invented. Why would God, or Nature, or the galactic forces provide such bounty to the United States if we were not meant to use it -- or at least threaten to use it? After all, serious leaders know that all options must be kept on the table. Our table is the whole damned planet, baby! The fact that we are willing to obliterate it in its entirety and turn all of life into dust only proves the strength of our dedication to What Is Right. (We've already done this on a horrifying scale, you know, and then lied about every aspect of it. We had our reasons, and you are not to question them.)
If we knew anything about history, we would know that all such claims have been made many times before. Every notable civilization of the past was convinced it was the recipient of special favor; each fervently believed it was unique in this respect. We are not even unique in our claim to being unique. So it goes. And so they went, all those past civilizations. So we will, too -- and soon, if we continue on our present path. In our determination to prevent anyone from questioning our status as Ultimate Guardians of the Truth, we may take the whole game down with us. Earlier empires couldn't do that, but we can. This is not precisely a good thing.
Meanwhile, as our governing class courts further mayhem and more widespread murder, our media play their part in the charade. They resolutely refuse to tell us anything beyond the trivial. If you seek for signs that indicate what is still to come, the media will not provide any guidance to you. So you may well have missed two stories from the past week. They're important stories, but almost no one will have told you that. The governing class only wants you to hear about those stories that make their rule easier. Besides, they are endowed with special knowledge denied to the rest of us. Most Americans don't care in any event, not with so many great programs on the teevee.
In connection with the ongoing criminal occupation of Iraq, Jim Lobe writes:
It seems the Democratic-led House of Representatives Thursday approved an amendment that, contrary to the leadership’s intention, lays the legal groundwork for a protracted – if not "permanent" — U.S. military presence in Iraq.
During debate on the 2008 Foreign Operations bill, the House approved by voice vote an amendment submitted by Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King that inserted the word "permanent" before "basing rights agreement" in the following text:
"SEC. 685. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used by the Government of the United States to enter into a basing rights agreement between the United States and Iraq."
As King has pointed out in the past, the United States has never had a "permanent" basing rights agreement with any country where, like Germany, Japan, and South Korea, Washington has based troops for decades. So the amendment, if it becomes law, means that the administration may now use funds to enter into any kind of basing rights agreement with the government of Iraq that it wishes – be it five, ten, 25 or even 50 years. Jim Fine of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) explained the effect of the amendment in a memo last month after King almost succeeded in getting the same amendment attached to the defense authorization bill.
Today the House of Representatives passed H. Con.Res.21, a resolution that pressures the United Nations Security Council to charge Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with violating the 1948 Convention on Genocide and the United Nations Charter because of his alleged calls for the destruction of Israel.
"There is reasonable doubt with regard to the accuracy of the translations of President Ahmadinejad's words in this resolution. President Ahmadinejad's speeches can also be translated as a call for regime change, much in the same manner the Bush Administration has called for regime change in Iraq and Iran, making this resolution very ironic," Kucinich said.
Kucinich attempted to insert into the Congressional Record two independent translations of the speech from The New York Times and Middle East Media Research Institute, which contain significant differences in the translations of the speech compared to the resolution before the House. However, Members objected formally and the attempt was blocked.
"When I learned of these translations, I felt obligated to bring it to the attention of the House. It seems that much has been lost in translation. Members have a right to know of the translations and the refusal to permit them to become a part of the Congressional Record does a disservice to Members."
"I object to resolutions that lay the groundwork for an offensive, unprovoked war.
"The resolution passed by the House today sets a dangerous precedent in foreign affairs. A mistranslation could become a cause of war. The United States House may unwittingly be setting the stage for a war with Iran.
"We must make every effort to ascertain the truth because peace in the world may hang in the balance. The only way to definitively know what President Ahmadinejad meant is for the United States to engage in meaningful, diplomatic relations with the country of Iran."
Whereas Iran has aggressively pursued a clandestine effort to arm itself with nuclear weapons....