Cleaves Alternative News

The Monkey is YOU!
by sadh Thursday, Aug 2 2007, 12:10am
national / social equality/unity / commentary

From China through Indonesia to Japan, the racist Howard government has become the laughing stock of all Asia. The Indians may have taken the victimisation of one of their citizens to heart. Employing a variation of Scotland Yard misinformation, a bogus ‘dossier’ was produced to great effect. The ‘white’ pointer bit with a vengeance only to have the Indian authorities denounce the ‘dossier’ as fake – all at Howard’s and Keelty’s expense.

The most laughable aspect of the whole affair was witnessing how easy it was to snare the racists with the most incredulous information. Perhaps conservative racist Australians should wake up to the reality of the region in which they live and learn that racism is counter-productive – America is simply NOT in the neighbourhood.

Australians are beginning to realise that following Howard’s racist lead carries a high personal cost, especially when travelling. Yep, its true, people just don’t like being treated like shit or as somehow expendable and inferior, regardless of Howard’s pressing electoral needs.

The colonialist mentality of Howard, his racist actions and comments are NOT tolerated in Asia. Howard’s antiquated 19th century values and his conservative ideology are simply anachronistic and harmful to today’s Australia, as has been aptly demonstrated by the Indian authorities. One must be sensitive to the Asian mind and culture to really appreciate how deftly Howard and others were made into ‘monkeys.’

Think twice before you insult an entire region.

Howard is not yesterday’s man he is an anthropological and psychological study in regression.

Cleaves Alternative News.