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Something from Nothing – it can’t be done!
by dingo Saturday, Aug 18 2007, 12:40am
national / social/political / commentary

An extremely curious article from the Sunday Telegraph regarding an indiscretion of opposition leader Kevin Rudd, Australia’s own sun-bleached dog turd -- I hope the metaphor conveys the correct impression -- appeared today, 4 years AFTER the event! But first consider the appeal value of a weathered dog turd compared with a fresh turd! The fresh turd does have some character -- colour and an unpleasant odour. Fresh dog turds also affect human behaviour, most people go to lengths to avoid contact especially stepping in one. Now consider an exposed, weathered, sun-bleached, dog turd – no character whatsoever, no colour, smell or affective power. You may begin to appreciate the panic Kevin Rudd’s PR consultants and advisers experience when attempting to present a characterless nothing as something!

Kevin 'lukewarm' Rudd
Kevin 'lukewarm' Rudd

Enter an ad man’s trick to cure all nerdy dork personalities and zero entities; associate a choir boy with a bank robbery or a nun with an indiscretion, preferably of a sexual nature, penetration not required just a hint of scandal will do! Remaining in context with Kevin Rudd, a conservative Christian, have you ever wondered at the phrase, ‘God loves a sinner,’ and exactly what meaning it intends to convey? Also consider the Biblical verse Revelation 3:16

“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.”
Not even Jesus likes an ideological zero and Rudd would be the most insipid piece of conservative gastric to have ever hit the political scene in Oz. The keywords attractive to the Christian God (and everyone else) are PASSION, COLOUR and VERVE; Rudd lacks all three characteristics.

Prior to Rudd, Howard was the most appalling and detestable specimen in Australian politics; however, with the rise of Rudd to ‘opposition’ leader, Howard begins to look less vile, in fact next to Rudd he even appears strong! Love Howard or hate him the evil little rodent could never be accused of nothing politics – he is a rabid racist, liar, war criminal, destroyer of Oz values, corporate arse-licker and on it goes. A man of (sordid) substance but substance nevertheless. Whereas Rudd is a silent fart without a hint of odour, A COLOURLESS, UNAPPEALING, BLEACHED TURD! Hence the need for some scandal to colour a white turd pale ochre.

The Murdoch press published an account of a drunken Rudd in a New York strip Club “touching” the dancers. The article was clearly designed to add some roughness to an otherwise insipid, Christian, conservative -- the most unappealing animal on the Oz landscape. Archives were searched until a suitably ‘scandalous’ event was located, a drunken night in 2003! Publishing a years old event today indicates desperation and contrivance, especially in consideration of Howard’s shock after shock, headline grabbing decisions of late. Even Pauline Hanson is able to capture the attention more effectively than Rudd the dud?

Read your Bible Kevin and realise that Jesus was a RADICAL, the farthest thing from a conservative imaginable. Jesus was not frightened to be associated with the socially reviled or outcast, in fact he expressed scorn for the mercantile and professional classes in the synagogue.

Neither hot nor cold, Kevin -- watch out YOU don’t get spewed out, you gutless, cringing, non-entity.

Scores Strip Club
Scores Strip Club


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Selective Memory
by fleet Saturday, Aug 18 2007, 2:35pm

From link:

"Mr Rudd said he was too drunk to remember much of his visit to the club."

".. he questioned a claim that he had been warned by management about his behaviour and suggested Mr Downer's office could be the source of the story."

Rudd is vacillating AGAIN ... either he had too much to drink and doesn't remember or he had too much to drink and DOES remember -- all us drunks know how painful an experience that can be!

Denial based on selective memory of the most compromising aspect of the story -- inappropriately "touching" a dancer -- will not 'cut it', Kevin!

It all starts looking very deceitful indeed, especially for a nice non-descript Christian hypocrite such as yourself, you stinking liar!

You see what happens when you emulate Howard too much, you start becoming Howard!

Story becomes b(m)eat-up
by meat hand Saturday, Aug 18 2007, 4:48pm

As expected, the story is becoming a beat-up and as the old Showbiz adage goes, "there's no such thing as bad publicity."

The following quote is careful NOT to deny the stray hand report, only that management understands business and that discretion is the better part in situations where personages of some note are involved -- everyone needs to make a living and if patrons can't chuck a ham and start boning dancers on the table then why bother patronising 'gentlemens clubs' period!

"ONE of Kevin Rudd's drinking companions on a boozy night at a New York strip club has denied claims that the Labor Leader was cautioned for touching the dancers."

This whole media parade is classic Murdoch press. Introduce something the competition must follow, then lead the beat-up with claim after claim, pinches of spice and meaningless tid-bits -- good luck with your 'boy,' Rupert, its over and out from here. However, we do reserve the right to tell it as it really is -- Rudd aspires to be the new house slave for foreign interests.

We will continue to report it from the Oz perspective NOT the servile colonialist view.

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