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Myanmar: Condoleezza calls ‘kettle’ black
by dingo Sunday, Sep 23 2007, 3:01pm
international / human rights / commentary

credibility ZERO

Give us all a break, Condi! Your ‘righteous’ indignation and feeble political fumbles in relation to Burma are hypocritical and transparent to the extreme. Ms Rice suddenly seems outraged over the treatment of the Burmese people by the military junta. “The Burmese people deserve better ... they deserve a life to be able to live in freedom … the brutality of this regime is well known and so we will be speaking about that, and I think the president will be speaking about it with many of his colleagues,” she said today. China made it clear that America’s record in Iraq -- one million dead civilians and four million displaced persons not mentioning the total ruin of a nation -- constitutes the most heinous crime of the century and leaves America in no position whatsoever to challenge other nations on moral or human rights issues.

The murdering, lying face of Rice
The murdering, lying face of Rice

Let’s try that again, shall we, Condi, you child murdering bitch? “The Iraqi people deserve better … they deserve a life to be able to live in freedom … the brutality of the Bush regime is well known and we will be exposing its hypocrisy on every occasion, and I think the WORLD is fast tiring of American lies, double standards, and murdering exploitation of weaker nations.”

How’s that sound Condi, you stinking, murdering, HYPOCRITE?

You underestimate the intelligence of the international community and its ability to identify a brazen hypocrite and LIAR! This isn’t lobotomised America, Condi – you would do well to remember who you are trying to kid!

Cleaves Alternative News.