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Oz Leadership Disgrace
by finch Sunday, Sep 30 2007, 1:37pm
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

The constantly deceived, insular, myopic, parochial Australian population cannot be held entirely responsible for living in a dream world regarding their reputation in the world today. Colonialist, racist, pea-hearted, scurrying little rodent coward leaders earn reputations for us all whether we like it or not! These reputations are difficult to overcome, it took John Howard and the CONSERVATIVES who support him, 11 years to drag our good name into the racist, cowardly, cringing, dependent gutter, and it will take some time to regain our former status in the world.

BHP plundering our water resources
BHP plundering our water resources

Howard’s shameless cowardice is legendary, his action of running for the protection of a colonialist (imperialist) superpower to protect him the instant he took office has gained him/us a reputation most Aussies do not deserve; Howard's behaviour runs contrary to our brave war record and national character. But the world knows only what it sees!

Our region includes numerous tiny island nations and city-states, notwithstanding the many small independent nations of the Northern Hemisphere. Not one world leader has displayed the lack of character and strength to lead their respective nations in their own right; Howard’s inability to stand on his own two feet is perhaps the most pitiful indictment of any so-called leader! His appalling apron string relationship with America is a disgrace and shames us all. I challenge any reader to cite one leader of any nation who so embarrassed their people with such disgraceful behaviour.

Consider the fearful cringe mentality and lack of identity required to ABANDON OUR CITIZENS – regardless of the circumstances – to foreign powers to be tortured and abused for political and other reprehensible purposes! Yep, that’s OUR Johnny and the CONSERVATIVES who support him. Traditional Aussies would do well to quietly record the names of all treasonous CONSERVATIVES in their workplace and their neighbourhoods; the nation can ill-afford these types in the future. Australia can no longer afford to attract the scorn and wrath of the international community by supporting criminal, rogue and pariah nations in their misguided (failed) quest for world domination. Civilian death tolls exceeding millions cannot be hidden from the public consciousness forever!

Are the people able to afford a lackey leader who allows parasitic super corporations to dictate policy and engage in plunder without returning some benefit to the community? Tens of billions per year are pillaged from OUR nation while we struggle to educate our kids? Do banks really need to ride the population with parasitic bank fees?

Is the population comfortable with the never before seen HUGE DISPARITIES in incomes and the new unfair work conditions applied to average Australians? Should opportunity for all Australians be threatened by Howard’s economically based social mobility model or should Australia restore equal opportunity for all, regardless of socio-economic circumstances?

Have we not learnt from bitter experience that conservative government serves the rich and treats others with disdain? Choose wisely at the next election, it may be your last opportunity prior to the introduction of ‘computerised voting’ – just to go through the motions!

See also:

My profound apologies for failing to mention the plight of our fellow Australians on the land. People on the land are suffering extreme hardship as a result of the drought, global warming and the mismanagement of available water resources. The escalating suicide rate of people on the land is an indictment of the entire society but especially GOVERNMENT ministers, who seem to have forgotten what it means to govern.

It is not for lack of hard work or experience that our once viable concerns on the land are failing. It is the criminal mismanagement of HIGH QUALITY drinking and irrigation water supplies that has directly contributed to the problem. The above link should appal all Australians who have a sense of justice and fair play. BHP consumes, for its filthy industrial needs, in excess of 30 million litres of water per day – FREE OF CHARGE, while our farmers suffer unspeakable hardship! Need we remind government that uranium and gold cannot be eaten and FINITE supplies of high quality water could be put to better use?

My apologies again for failing to mention the plight of our brave, longsuffering, brothers and sisters on the land. Do not kill yourselves, if you must kill, and God knows you are justified, the removal of Howard and Turnbull from the political landscape would do the nation and people on the land a great service. Do not despair, fight!


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