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The Confetti Elections of Modern Democracies
by barra Tuesday, Oct 2 2007, 1:32pm
national / social/political / commentary

Crucial issues affecting national viability/welfare are always sacrificed in favour of spin, propaganda and beat-ups during the ‘free and fair’ elections of Western democracies. The idiotic attempts of highly paid consultants/propagandists to snatch victory with tinsel tricks have not only become counter-productive but are now threatening national viability/security. TODAY, THE FUTURE VIABILITY OF NATIONS IS AT STAKE! Allow that FACT/REALITY to sink into the waffle of the spin-soaked minds of the public!

Is colour required?
Is colour required?

Health, education and income equity are no doubt important issues and need immediate attention; however, these problems are easily rectified by representative governments that are not afraid to GOVERN in the interests of the people and the nation, NOT NECESSARILY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE CORPORATE SECTOR. Allow that to also sink into the gel of the collective mind.

Today the issues requiring RADICAL REMEDIAL ACTION ARE GLOBAL – now consider the tiny-minded, parochial approach of some politicians, especially John Howard and Kevin Rudd of Australia. On the threshold of a national election the best these miserable failures are able to present to the public is a fund for autistic children and a scare campaign of “water-hungry” Asians (yellow peril) invading our shores! This is the latest offering from the pathetic CONSERVATIVES of Australia who continue to desperately cling to old racist formulas and fears.

A quick inspection of the ‘nose on one’s face’ immediately exposes the idiocy of these desperate propaganda attempts. Why on earth would LUSH MONSOON Asia invade a desert Australia facing extreme water and food shortages – FOR FUCK’S SAKE? My demented grandmother could do better than John Howard and his ‘TEAM’ of snivelling idiots!

Not to be outdone in the MORON stakes the Oz opposition leader, Kevin ‘bereft’ Rudd, called for the prosecution of the Iranian president Ahmadinejad for inciting genocide – somehow Rudd overlooked the one million civilian deaths directly attributable to the illegal invasion of Iraq by the USA and its allies! Sure, let’s go for it Kevin, you fuckwit, we can start with Bush and end with Ahmadinejad! However, Rudd’s tissue transparent attempt was clearly designed to curry favour with Oz Jews, whose numbers are negligible.

The above two servile, conservative politicians have no idea whatsoever as they both TAKE ORDERS from the CORPORATE SECTOR. The fact the Prime Minister’s internet/email connection is supplied and MANAGED by the MACQUARIE GROUP – most would fail to immediately appreciate the total compromise of national security – demonstrates the fact! The criminal exploitation of our high quality finite Artesian water supply by ‘mining giant,’ BHP-Billiton during the worst drought in living memory adds to the travesty.

Today, independent, decisive, representative government is required to REGULATE a Corporate sector that continues to pillage and plunder every available precious resource without concern for anything outside its bottom line. Thirty million litres per day of high quality drinking water for mining purposes (FREE OF CHARGE) while our farmers are prohibited from irrigating OUR FOOD CROPS is beyond the pale!

It is pointless outlining real and effective survival strategies to the general herd population, but we can offer a hint – THE CORPORATE SECTOR IS NOT THE SOLUTION, IT IS THE PROBLEM! In any event the old model of Capitalism has failed, it just hasn’t collapsed yet.

Radical change is required NOW but few have the stomach for it!

Survival in the present circumstances is reserved for the few.

Good luck!,21985,22522288-662,00.html,25197,22523575-601,00.html

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