Cleaves Alternative News

The Politics of Paralysis
by yarra Friday, Oct 5 2007, 12:15pm
national / social/political / commentary

The outstanding feature of economic rationalism and laissez-faire capitalism is the LACK of an IDEAL, in other words to what end do WE SUPPORT these rapacious, voracious and highly polluting economic ideologies? What is the ideal of economically based systems and what is the cost? The answer to the first question is a negative – no ideal exists – the process itself substitutes for the ideal and that is a very dangerous situation. The ‘God’ of laissez-faire capitalists and economic rationalists is the rampant process of consumption itself! We are all aware that the principal causative factor for global warming, climate chaos, ecological destruction and the mass extinctions of plant and animal life is POLLUTION!


Pollution is just ONE negative by-product of unregulated laissez-faire capitalism (LFC) and economic rationalism (ER). Nevertheless, that ONE negative is enough to extinguish most forms of life on earth and plunge the planet into a destabilised period of re-adjustment at the end of which human and other mammalian life may not be tenable. Bravo, for a species that is aware of its manic, suicidal pursuits, but is incapable of arresting the process!

Today, the forces of LFC have completely overtaken representative government. No longer is the government “of the people, by the people, for the people,” it is now ‘of the few, by the few, but most importantly, FOR THE FEW!’ The beasts of LFC -- the Transnational Corporations and Large Financial Institutions, have hijacked representative government. The huge amount of money required to win government today has made REAL ‘rulership’ the exclusive domain of the obscenely wealthy. Little has changed since the time of the Pharaohs, call the system whatever you wish, monarchy, communism, capitalism, economic feudalism the constant remains the same, the FEW lord over the MANY!

Historically that model is the one constant feature of all human societies from tiny tribal societies to vast civilisations -- anywhere or in any historical period on the globe. You may indulge your disappointment but that’s the way it has always been and that’s the way it will no doubt remain!

The crucial aspect in not whether the model is at ‘fault’ or whether someone today is able to succeed where no one, including all the ‘greats’ of history have succeeded before; the crucial aspect is the choice of LEADERSHIP and whether or not the people should continue to support THE SUICIDAL SYSTEM of laissez-faire capitalism and economic rationalism?

It is clear the ‘system’ (ideology) as opposed to the model requires IMMEDIATE change if we are to survive and it is clear the beasts (Transnationals and the directors who run them) must be completely regulated OR ERADICATED – there is no time to waste when forces OF DESTRUCTION are so easily and clearly identifiable!

In order to validate (what is widely known) I would cite two puppet politicians running for leadership in Australia, John Howard, whose cowardice is internationally known and Kevin Rudd whose servility to the corporate sector is perhaps even greater than his rival. These two politicians are perhaps the most despicable cowards and servile fleas Australia has ever known. The two contenders, falling over each other to please local politicians and the Corporate sector, have supported a highly controversial and highly polluting pulp mill in Tasmania -- a project clearly not in the best interests of the wider community or the Tasmanian/world environment.

Consider also the lack of action regarding the criminal exploitation of Australia’s precious water resource by BHP-Billiton – over 30 million litres per day extracted from OUR artesian basin, free of charge, while our farmers have been prohibited from irrigating food crops! Not a word from either major party on the reprehensible conduct of BHP nor the slightest attempt to regulate or manage/GOVERN our precious artesian water resource. Might I suggest an effective solution, pick up the phone to the CEO of BHP and INSTRUCT him to cease pillaging our precious artesian water within 24 hours after which time if the practice has not ceased he and is fellow directors will be shot and the company nationalised! That simple and necessary! THE WELFARE OF THE NATION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN A SUICIDAL ECONOMY OR ANY CORPORATION!

Due to inaction over the past decades RADICAL REMEDIAL ACTION is NOW required. That is the reality of the situation, the question is, does the nation have the stomach for it?

Today, the choice has never been easier – LIFE OR DEATH – make your choice, sheeple!

Cleaves Alternative News.